tGoogleMap v1.3

I have finally managed to get WordPress to update the version number. This problem was due to not updating the version number in the PHP file as well as the readme.txt.

Version 1.3 fixes a problem with tGoogleMap not displaying correctly when a WordPress blog isn’t located in the domain folder.

I have seen a few users, using tGoogleMap to display a single point or no points at all, tGoogleMap isn’t really for this as it is not worth creating an XML file just for the single point. Plus I believe you can now simply embed a Google map with some simple code.

However, if you want full customization; including lines, numbered points, HTML in a point’s detail, then tGoogleMap is exactly for you.

Comments and suggestions very welcome.

Download tGoogleMap v1.3





17 responses to “tGoogleMap v1.3”

  1. suapapa Avatar

    Hi. thanks for good plugin.
    I’m really happy with tGoogleMap. 🙂

    I have one suggestion.
    the scirpts included in “tGoogleMapHeader()” makes slow down my blog.

    I think, It because of my selft-hosting server didn’t get rapid respond from google.

    Can you remove this header scipt when there are no tGoogleMap tag in the contents?

    When I tested with no add_action(‘wp_head’, …) and put header script just before $temp3 in tFindGoogleMap(). It looks fine, except multiple tGoogleMap tag in $contents.

  2. MECTILE Avatar

    Hi suapapa

    Thanks for the feedback.

    It would make sense to not include the header if no maps are to be displayed; however, I am not sure how feasible it is to remove the header script. I believe this is due to the header always running first, before the posts, so you could never actually determine if the post contents contains a map first.

    Adding the header into the post might be an option, however, as you mentioned the header will be repeated for multiple maps. Perhaps, there is a way to determine if the header is already displayed in a post. I will look into it.



  3. Newcomb Avatar


    Great plugin! Thanks.

    I did a little hack of the code to set the initial zoom level of the map. I just added the zoom level number on this line:

    map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), 10);

    However, I wanted to use multiple maps in my blog and some of them would require a different zoom level. Do you know of any quick fixes? Perhaps, setting the zoom level with a parameter in the xml file?

    Would love to be able to set the initial zoom for each map.

    Thanks, again.

  4. MECTILE Avatar

    Hi Newcomb

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Generally, I found that zooming so that all the points were visible was okay. A zoom feature would be nice, and perhaps I shall add it as a parameter.


  5. Newcomb Avatar

    Okay…. if you have sort of way to set a variable initial zoom level, it would make it perfect for what I need it to do.

    Do you know of any other plugins out there that would do that?

    Thanks, again.

  6. MECTILE Avatar


    I don’t know of any other plugins that use XML data, there maybe others that don’t use XML data and have zoom.


  7. Erik Harris Avatar

    I like this plugin quite a bit, but have a question – is there any way to specify a zoom level and a map type in the XML file? I’d like to have it zoom out a bit by default and show the hybrid view (Satellite + map) on one of my maps. The default zoom, at this location, is close enough in that it doesn’t show any of the surrounding roads, and the map view puts the point inside a big green blob (county park property), whereas on the satellite/hybrid view, it’s obvious that the icon is directly on top of the building.

    If this isn’t possible, might I request it for 1.4? 🙂

  8. MECTILE Avatar


    I will keep that in mind for the next upgrade.
    Which I will work on soon.


  9. Erik Harris Avatar

    I just upgraded from WordPress 2.6.3 to 2.6.5, and now I get an error when this plugin is used:

    “Request resulted in error. Check XML file is retrievable.”

    The XML file in question has not changed and is accessible directly from the URL specified in the output code (in my case, Did something in the fix for cross-site scripting break this plugin?

  10. MECTILE Avatar

    Hi Erik

    I am really not sure of the problem,
    I have upgraded my site to 2.6.5 and all my tGoogleMap examples are still okay, including my cross-site examples.

    I have also tried you xml file and it worked okay.


  11. Erik Harris Avatar

    You can see the problem at (I temporarily removed the map from my site). Similarly, the hwh.xml file is present and works, but the plugin gives an error for it. The only change made since it was working is that I updated all of my sites to 2.6.5 today.

  12. MECTILE Avatar


    From what I have divulged, it looks like your cross-site xml parser is not working.

    Download tGoogleMap again and overwrite the xml_proxy.php file in the plugin directory.

    Alternatively, as your xml file is in the plugin directory, when calling tGoogleMap, you can refer to the file only ie tGoogleMap(hwh.xml).

    Let me know how it goes.

  13. Erik Harris Avatar

    No luck. I deleted and reinstalled the plugin, and I get the same error. The code in WP is just “tGoogleMap(hwh.xml). I’m not explicitly entering the path. The plugin changes it to the full path in the output web page’s code.

  14. MECTILE Avatar


    I think I have found the problem, when using HTML GET, colons are not allowed in the URL.

    Download an update from here, only need to update the tGoogleMap.php file though.

  15. Erik Harris Avatar

    Awesome! Thanks for the quick action, t! I uploaded 1.3.1 to the site listed above, and it worked like a charm.

  16. MECTILE Avatar

    Newcomb and Erik,

    I have incorporated a zoom function in version 1.4, read about it here , grab the latest version here .

  17. Erik Harris Avatar

    Awesome! Thank you, I’ve reinstalled it on my site, now that I can make it show more than a plain green field. 🙂

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