tGoogleMap v1.3.1

tGoogleMap v1.3.1 has been released, with 2 improvements.

  1. Fixed a problem with cross domain xml files. As reported by Erik on tGoogleMap support forum.
  2. Added improved output for when directly calling tGoogleMap.php

Before Google bots would have picked it up as

Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /home ...

Now Google will see: are proudly using the WordPress plugin tGoogleMap
 to display inline Google maps on their blog.

Where is the WordPress user’s domain including link.

Finally, a small note about upgrading tGoogleMap. WordPress has the option of automatically upgrading, which is very handy; unfortunately this overwrites any XML files you may have been storing in the plugin directory. So it is a better idea to keep all your XML maps in a separate location.

tGoogleMap version 1.3.1





4 responses to “tGoogleMap v1.3.1”

  1. Erik Harris Avatar

    I assume this is a “known issue,” but tGoogleMap doesn’t appear to work with WordPress 2.7. It was the one plugin I didn’t test on my dev site before upgrading (too lazy to get another API key for the dev domain). Oops. 🙂

    As you can see here, the plugin call appears verbatim, instead of being replaced with a map.

  2. MECTILE Avatar

    Hi Erik,

    I upgraded to WordPress 2.7 last night, with no detrimental effects.

    Let me have a look at the problem.

  3. MECTILE Avatar


    I have updated it to v1.3.2, I think this should fix your problem.

  4. Erik Harris Avatar

    Awesome, thanks again for the very quick response. Incidentally, I “fixed” it with 1.3.1 when I decided to make it usable with automatic upgrades. I put the hwh.xml file one directory up and used “tGoogleMap(../hwh.xml)” – even without upgrading to 1.3.2, that caused the map to display.

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