Copyright Infringement – Pimsleur transcripts (Simon & Schuster)

Download transcripts from here;

Pimsleur Chinese I – A Pronunciation And Character Guide

Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I notes

Pimsleur Mandarin words

Seems that Pimsleur doesn’t like me providing transcripts for their Mandarin Chinese 1 Units and have asked for their removal.

Find the Notice of Copyright Infringement below.

So what are some Pimsleur alternatives for learning a language that are more than happy to provide transcripts.

  • Livemocha is a Social Language Learning resource.
  • The world’s number 1 in language learning software, Rosetta Stone is another alternative.
  • Instant Immersion produces a large collection of language learning programs, in the forms of computer software, audio and books.
  • FSI Language Courses is a free alternative with a large number of audio units in the public domain.

There are still plenty of sights that provide Pimsleur transcripts.

And don’t forgot you can freely download any of the Pimsleur audio books online

Update December 2009: I have made the transcripts available for download;






87 responses to “Copyright Infringement – Pimsleur transcripts (Simon & Schuster)”

  1. Debbie Rogers Avatar
    Debbie Rogers

    Ouch…too bad about the Pimsleur transcripts. Slightly comical though…haha, sorry!

    Here are a few other places to learn a language online.

    Myngle – A marketplace for teachers and students for language learning through their virtual classroom. There’s a lively forum and a library of other resources as well.

    eduFire – like Myngle, but the focus is broader than just language learning. In addition, eduFire offers both 1 on 1 and group classes for up to 100 people. It also has its own forum, and aspects like flashcards and articles.

    The above are good for courses like the resources you listed, but some good supplements are (an awesome flashcard service) and Lang-8 (an excellent journal writing service where native speakers correct your entries and you can correct theirs).

    Good luck!

    1. MECTILE Avatar


      Thanks for the links.

      and don’t worry, I think it is comical as well.


      1. Remguy Avatar

        Travis, I am not asking for anything.  

        I’m just writing to express my appreciation for your hard work for the sake of other people’s happiness.  My God, that’s rare!  

        I hope you’re “blessed” in some way, not that there’s some cosmic tit-for-tat, but you deserve good things.  

        Good luck, man.

        – Remguy

  2. Jenny Ho Avatar
    Jenny Ho

    Because of this ruling I will NOT now buy the II and III lessons It is impossible to learn completely without a transcript.
    I will buy a different lessoin from somewhere else that DOES provide transcripts
    Jenny Ho

  3. Jaime Garcia Avatar
    Jaime Garcia

    This is outrageous.

    Pimsleur Mandarin is difficult (and incomplete) enough to be studied without any transcripts. It lacks LOTS of basic grammar explanations and you end up figuring them out most of the time, which I consider a huge defect on itself.

    I certainly wasn’t expecting this… 4 months ago I printed myself all the first Lessons transcripsts. Right now I was gonna look for the next lessons and to my surprise, they’re all gone, I’m not able to find neither Pimsleur 2 or 3 online.

    I can’t believe it… I don’t know . . . I’d love to have them to keep on advancing on Pimsleur.

  4. taryn Avatar

    this really sucks. my real site was deleted by probably because of the same form letter.

    when i get time (whenever that is) i’ll try to recreate the site on awardspace since they’re not in the US.


  5. Lawal Avatar

    I’m more than happy to share the transcripts i once found but never used, about 290 pages if i recall correctly. I finished Mandarin I and havent gotten far with II due to laziness, I stongly disagree that you need the transcrpts to use/learn with pimsleur.

    I am at present on lesson 9 of unit II and hope to finish III b4 i go to china this december. I will find the pdf file and will share with anyone that wants it – Debbie says it best.. Its comical.. jeje

    Then again i remember sony doing the same to a lyric of a song in an indian movie….. Wouldnt logic suggest if you learn the lyrics = become more fond of the song? Same for pimsleur transcripts? Ah well these cooperate pple someone needs to educate them some 😉

    What do i know…? Anyways I strongly recommend you try and push yourself to do it, Unit I was really piece of cake especially after lesson 8 but hey different folks different strokes. There is wisdom though in the way they did the program without the transcript. As they claim and I agree, babies learn to speak before they can read or write.

    Xianzai wo keyi shuo yidianr he wo yao qu zhonguo so when i get there, i improve my speaking but learn reading and writing. Goodluck everyone 🙂

    N.B Will check back weekly leave ur email addresses if u want it…

    1. Alec Simba Rushwaya Avatar
      Alec Simba Rushwaya
  6. Sami Avatar

    I’d love to have those! samitakamaki[at]

  7. Jean-Marc Avatar

    If you have them, I’d be happy to receive transcripsts for Pimsleur One.
    Thank you very much
    Jean-Marc, guepard_2001 at

  8. Max Avatar

    Hi Lawal,

    I just started Pimsleur Mandarin I two weeks ago and got frustrated for the lack of transcripts!

    Please help me!
    max.leopold [att]

  9. Bry Avatar

    Hi Lawal

    If you have them, I’d be happy to receive transcripsts for Pimsleur One.
    Thank you very much

    Find me at bryantaiwan (att)

    Thanks a ton

  10. Bry Avatar

    In fact, If you have any 2,3 I would highly appreciate those too.


  11. Oliver Avatar

    Yes Please would love those transcripts!.

    oliver_roman (at) hotmail .com

  12. Petia Avatar

    Please can I also get these transcripts at petenke (at) pisem . net !

    Thanks a lot a lot !!!

  13. sam Avatar

    would love whatever transcripts you got (I, II, III)

    surfwhales at yahoo dot com


  14. Sami Avatar

    A google search for “Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese Companion” might prove fruitful you guys! 😉

  15. MECTILE Avatar


    I have made Taryn’s Transcripts available for download from here (for now)

  16. taryn Avatar

    Thanks for doing that t!

    I hate for all that work to go to waste! If there’s any updates, I’ll figure out a way to get the word out. 😉

  17. Armin Avatar

    I agree, babies learn to speak before they can read or write …
    BUT the european languages have NO TONES, so these babies usually don’t hear tones in the essential FIRST 9 MONTHS … and these people have their whole long life problems handling tones as easily and unconscious like native speakers.
    I think, if I don’t hear a spoken tone and don’t remember it from my books, it is bad, to repeat the phrase with *ANY* tone … I prefer to look it up quickly and pronounce the word right.

    I would love all transcripts you got (I, II, III) …
    Thanks for doing that!

    dream_mandarine (at)

  18. Dave D Avatar
    Dave D

    Second the, “would love to get more of the Level II transcripts”.

    Thanks for the hosting,


  19. Nathan-Shanghai Avatar


    AMAZING to read that someone out there has this very valuable information. If you still have them Lawel please send them my way.

    XIe xie ni Lawal. Ni fei chang hao! Zhen da!

  20. Brian Avatar

    I got all the three levels of Pimsleur Mandarin some time ago and have only just managed to get into level 2 recently as I find it hard without some sort of hard copy. Even Rosetta Stone provides this if you are prepared to print it out. I would really appreciate it if you could forward me a copy of the transcripts of the three levels as Pimsleur is expensive and to provide no hard copy. Brian

  21. yan en Avatar
    yan en

    Ni Hao Lawal! I Must say Xie Xie Nin! This will be a big help and huge blessing!

    Ni Hen Bang!

    My email is [email protected]

    If you have time and still come, it would be greatly greatly appreciated!

    Fei Chang Gan Xie!

    -yan en

  22. yan en Avatar
    yan en

    oh also sorry, if you could send me all 3, that would be awesome!
    truly appreicate your time and help!~

  23. TopCat Avatar

    i would really appreciate if someone could send me all 3 sets of the transcripts.

    thanks a bunch!

  24. TopCat Avatar

    i got them…please remove my email address, thanks!!

  25. David Avatar

    I would really appreciate, if someone could send all 3 (especially 2 and 3) transcripts to me. My email is stylestatement123 at gmail dot com


  26. Alex Avatar


    Can you tell us how (and where)you got them?

  27. Frank Avatar

    Yes PLEASE the transcripts would be GREAT! Pimsleur Mandarin II and III.

    frank3ders at

    So very much appreciated!


  28. Tom Avatar

    If someone could also send me the transcripts for Pims Mandarin II and III I’d be very grateful.



  29. Armin Avatar

    I think, Pimsleur should provide transcripts, BUT they do not.
    I respect their opinion & rights, so I will not send out anything under Copyright.

    For me it works great using still available pure WORDLISTS (just to be sure, I got the right spelling), so I can make my own transcript fragments while working through the lessons (on paper, no I will not scan that, neither send it anywhere).
    I think, that way the learning effect is even greater: not just repeat or formulate the sentences, but write some of them down and reflect the sound marks …

    Please remove my email address in the other post (15 posts above: dream_mandarine (at) … , thanks!!

  30. Yaroslav Avatar

    LOL! Try to looking for in the google search. You can find Pimsleur Mandarin transcription 1 and 3. All free.
    I donloaded 90 mp3 lessons and transcription.

  31. Morpheus Avatar


    I’d appreciate all the transcripts too if you could possibly take the trouble of sending them 🙂

    [email protected]

  32. Josh Avatar

    Anyone have a copy of the transcripts? Would be appreciated.

    [email protected]

  33. Giovanni Avatar

    Hi there.

    Has anyone the transcripts for mandarin II and III and want to share them?

    [email protected]

  34. John Avatar

    I would greatly appreciate transcripts for Mandarin II and III as well. Thanks in advance!!

    [email protected]


  35. nad2000 Avatar

    Hi there!
    I managed some time to download I and II transcript. Without them Pimsleaur Mandarin is useless. Thank you for the effort you have put into it. If you have for III transcript could you pleas share it with me – nad2000 _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com. Thanks.

  36. Jacob Avatar

    Please send me a copy of the full transcripts as well please…

    jacobaud {att}

  37. Tina Avatar

    Please send me transcripts for Unit 2 and 3. I need all the help I can get. Many thans!

    [email protected]

  38. Davee Avatar

    Hi guys, could i have transcripts for all three units pimsleur mandarin please? zcapc64 AT
    thanks a bunch

  39. Isela Rocks Avatar
    Isela Rocks

    Hi there,
    Hope someone can help. I need transcript 3 desperately. Please email it to me at: [email protected].

    Thanks So Much!

  40. Robin Avatar

    Hi Lawal, t or anyone,
    May I have a copy of Mandarin transcripts I to III sent to my email please? If the files are still there.

    Thanks a million times over.

    r0bin_ball (at)

  41. Althena Avatar


    May I have a copy of the Mandarin transcripts I to III please? My e-mail is althena123 {at live} .com


  42. stuart Avatar

    Please email me mandarin transcripts 2 and 3 .Thank you

  43. Amy Avatar

    Please e-mail me the Mandarin 2 and 3 transcripts. Thank you!

  44. stuart Avatar

    Anyone wants to share mandarin transcript 2 and 3 . Thank you in advance.

    [email protected]

  45. Thom Thibeault Avatar

    Pimsleur is shooting themselves in the foot by doing this. Also, I question whether they would prevail if they went to court on this. Pimsleur is based on conversations and you can’t copyright a conversation. You can copyright a recording of the conversation. And if you did publish the transcripts, you could not indicate overtly that they are Pimsleur transcripts. In any case, the responses here show that there is a demand for transcripts and grammar explanations.

    I’ve created a free hypermedia editor called FLAn (Foreign Language Annotator) at You can create your own materials with the editor. The editor lets you attach information to words or phrases in a foreign language text. Then when the learner clicks on a word, a translation (and/or image, video, audio, grammar explanation) appears. I have some demos in German in the Share Area of Creating learning materials with FLAn is also a good way to learn a language so it’s something the student can do to.

  46. Willy Antomie Avatar
    Willy Antomie

    Please e-mail me the Mandarin 2 and 3 transcripts. Thank you!

    [email protected]

  47. Tsar Avatar

    Could you please e-mail me the transcripts for Mandarin I, II, III. It would be helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
    [email protected]

  48. jonny Avatar

    hi Lawal,

    Can you please email me the transcripts to [email protected]

  49. xav Avatar

    Would love transcripts for II and III.

    xav858 (at)

    Many thanks!


  50. angela Avatar

    hi, please send me the transcripts 1 – 3. thank you so much

    [email protected]

  51. Michael Avatar

    Please send me all three transcripts.
    michael_12874563 (at)

  52. FROM CUBA Avatar

    please, can you send me transcripts for 2 and 3. I just can’t find them
    Thanks in advande,
    my best regards
    [email protected]

  53. Abe Avatar

    Can you please send me the transcripts for 2 and 3? I really appreciate it.

    Thanking you in advance,

  54. Richard Chang Avatar
    Richard Chang

    Hey Travis,

    Happy New Year 2012 !

    I’ve searched and can’t find the transcripts. Can you please send me transcripts for 1, 2 and 3. Especially 3.

    Thanks so much, Rich C

  55. Gunawanagung Avatar

    hello, if someone have pimsleur transcript for 1, 2 and 3, please send to [email protected]

  56. Dave Avatar

    I’d really appreciate if someone could email Pimsleur transcripts 2 and 3.  Thank you!!!
    [email protected]

  57. Helloyellowfellow Avatar

    Hi there
    I wish also to have the pimsleur transcripts 2 and 3. I am preparing for my trip to China. It would be very apreciated


  58. […] to write down (at least the pinyin) of the dialogues.. and searching around I have found out the stupidity that sometimes accompany a success: Pimsleur people forced the guy of the previous blog to remove […]

  59. Rj32011 Avatar

    I would like to get Pimsleur mandarin 2 and 3 transcripts
    [email protected]

  60. Bridgerangers Avatar

    I discovered this link on Pimsleur I:

    If anyone has transcripts for 2 and 3, I’d really welcome a copy.

    [email protected]

  61. James Avatar

    I guess I am in the same boat as everyone else.  I am just about to finish Pimsleur I and I have the companion for it that a friend had provided, and I will be starting II soon but can not find a transcript for it, if anyone has II and III transcripts, please email them to me at [email protected], thanks James

  62. Govanhill Guy Avatar
    Govanhill Guy

    Could  someone email Pimsleur Transcript 3 I would apperciate, thanks very much
    Govanhill Guy     [email protected]

  63. mellowshellowdalello Avatar

    could someone please email me the pimsleur mandarin transcripts for II and III???? my email is:
    gilshoham45@hotmail:disqus .com
    thanks, i am preparing for my trip to china and it is 
    really important! thanks! again

  64. Jonathan Ames Avatar
    Jonathan Ames

    Same as the rest!   Mandarin transcripts for 2 and 3!  Thanks a bunch……. [email protected]

  65. Rob B Avatar
    Rob B

    If you are willing to send them, I would also appreciate very much the Mandarin transcripts for 2 and 3.  Thanks so much for your help.  Please send them to brums22@gmail:disqus .com.  Thanks again.


  66. derek Avatar

    hi i would love the transcripts for level 3 thanks
    [email protected]

  67. mikl c Avatar
    mikl c

    Would love transcripts for 2 and 3, I’m on a roll and the ones out there aren’t cutting it. [email protected] thanks so much

  68. Faraz Avatar

    Hi, i would love the transcripts for Leve 3.

    [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected], thanks in advance.

  69. Brandon Avatar

    Same here, would love the transcripts for level 2 and 3 if you wouldn’t mind sending them over.

    [email protected].
    Thanks so much

  70. Arnie Avatar

    me too pls… i badly need the transcript for mandarin level 3!! Thanks in advance… pls send it to —– [email protected]

  71. shalom z Avatar
    shalom z

    hi i would love the transcripts for level 1 units 18 to 21
    [email protected]

    thank you guys i think you’r great

  72. ajm Avatar

    Please could you mail the transcripts of mandarin 3 to [email protected]

  73. ioeluj Avatar

    need the mandarin level II and III please, if its still out there…. [email protected]

  74. Sharlie4 Avatar

    anywhere we can get the German or Italian transcripts?

  75. Rami Avatar

    Hi pls send me
    transcripts for mandarin Leve 3.
    [email protected]

  76. MjM Avatar

    Hello Travis, could you please send me the transcript for mandarin level 3? My email is [email protected] , thank you so much Xie Xie Ni!

  77. Link Avatar

    Hello, please send me the transcript for mandarin level 3, [email protected] fei chang gan xie!

  78. Sharlie4 Avatar

    Has anyone received any answers? I would really love to have the dialogs for Pimsleur’s Italian and German please

  79. Sharlie4 Avatar

    I found this site where some Chinese students have translated the German level 2 scripts BUT I cannot figure out how to put it in size 8 or print it out .Here is lesson 31(level 2 lesson 1) To get lesson 32 just change the number in the Chinese title)

  80. Jabri Juhinin Avatar
    Jabri Juhinin

    hi, does anyone have the full transcript for level II and level III pimsleur mandarin chinese? please send it to me, baururba93@gmail . million thanks to anyone who can provide.

  81. Alec Simba Rushwaya Avatar
    Alec Simba Rushwaya

    need the mandarin level II and III please, if its still out there…. [email protected]

  82. Andrew Avatar

    Would love mandarin II and III if they exist. Hope you’re safe.

  83. Clifford Nelson Avatar
    Clifford Nelson

    Thanks very much. Makes me really dislike Pimsleur. I downgraded my attitude towards the level 1 a lot because of no transcripts on Amazon. My complaint about Pimsleur is that I had nothing to help me understand the pronunciation. The very first word duìbuqî I could not get right, and only with the aid of a Chinese speaker a month later did I finally get it. That was probably the hardest word for me. Pimsleur. Only when I was almost through with the first course did I finally find Chinese Companion I a pronunciation and character guide to Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese I . I have started to do something in word for 2, Would like at least 3 if you have it. Thanks so very much.

  84. John Avatar

    Hi I am looking for notes on pim mandarin level I, II and III please. Thanks [email protected].

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