Canon EFS 17-85mm IS stuck/locked zoom repair/disassembly

It seems like this is a common problem with these lenses, the zoom gets stuck at 17mm with about 2mm of play (zoom movement). This problem is all due to a loose single screw on the inner lens assembly, sounds simple to fix, doesn’t it?

The challenge is trying to get to this single screw, which involves the separation of the lens into over 10 components, and the removal of about 20 small screws. Hopefully this guide will make the disassembly job a whole lot easier.

First, a reminder of what the lens looks like.

The stuck zoom lens

Turn the lens on its side with the connection contacts closest to you. There are 2 tiny Philips screws to remove.

Remove 2 screws holding the connection contacts

Balance the lens on its front with the metal lens screw lock ring visible. There are 4 small Philips screws to remove.

Metal lens screw lock

The metal ring can now be hinged apart. This next step is the most difficult. The inner black plastic ring is connected to the metal outer ring with 4 plastic clips in the inside. By pushing the clips towards the center, the black plastic ring can be removed from the top of the metal outer ring. Much care is needed due to the ribbon cable still being attached to the connection contacts allowing for a gap of roughly no more than 1cm.

Inner black ring and outer metal ring, clips visible

Once the inner black plastic ring is removed, the outer metal screw lock ring can be removed, exposing the PCB protected by a black plastic housing.

Both black and metal ring removed and PCB visible

Disconnect a single pressure ribbon cable attached to the inside of the black plastic housing which will then allow for its removal exposing the PCB.

Black plastic housing removed

Disconnect the 5 ribbon cables from the PCB. 2 are pressure connected, 2 with a hinged clip and 1 with a pressure clip. Unscrew a single Philips screw allowing the removal of the PCB.

Remove the 5 screws (circled in red) holding the outer black plastic ring allowing the remove of the black plastic ring. Then remove the 3 inner screws (circled in blue).

PCB removed

Turn the lens over and remove the rubber zoom grip. It can be removed by inserting a very thin screw driver under the rubber and working your way around.

Font of 17-85mm lens

Rubber zoom grip removed

With the rubber zoom grip removed, rotate the lens until you find a black rectangle sticker, peal this off to expose some contactors.

Black rectangle sticker removed exposing the contactors

With a Philip driver, unscrew the contactors. I actually performed this when reassembling the lens and slightly damaged them. It is better to remove them at the start to prevent this.

Contactors removed

There are 3 screws sitting on small metal tubes between a groove, finally remove these.

Screw in metal tubes within the groves

With these removed the inner lens portion can now be removed from the outer casing.

Outer casing removed from inner lens

You now have access to the problem screw(s) that need tightening. Once tightened, add some Loctite or nail-polish to stop the screws becoming loose again.

The final screws that need tightening

Some do’s and don’ts

  • don’t remove the front lens sticker or 3 screws behind it.
  • don’t remove the zoom sticker with m/ft increments.
  • don’t touch or disassemble any of the focusing ring!
  • do keep your UV filter on the lens, you can still remove the rubber grip with it on.
  • do make sure the focusing pin between the inner and outer len is in place.






167 responses to “Canon EFS 17-85mm IS stuck/locked zoom repair/disassembly”

  1. Arndt Avatar

    I thought it was the Californian dunes sand that blocked my zoom lens: no! I repaired it with your help.
    Thanks, Arndt

  2. Mark Coates Avatar
    Mark Coates

    My lens has this problem and the repair guy asked more than the cost of a new one to repair it !
    I this works I’ll make a suitable donation to charity on your behalf

  3. Mike Wilcox Avatar
    Mike Wilcox

    My lens jammed at 60mm, and was going to follow this helpful guide. First I took off the rubber zoom grip, I notice one of the screws protruding more then the other, it was easy to tighten with a screwdriver through the gap without a full dismantle described here. It would be nice to be able to apply some Loctite, but will check the screws tightness regularly now, and recommend every one does before it locks up at 17mm, a full dismantle will then be necessary, as the screw will not be accessible without a full strip down.



  4. Canonnica Avatar

    Thanks for this how-to. I got mine fixed in an hour. Canon Canada quoted me with $189 CDN for executing the repair.

  5. armin Avatar

    after fixing the problem, mine doesn’t go to f4 @ 17mm… any idea?

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      no, no real ideas unfortunately.

      just make sure everything is connected correctly when assembled. and those electrical contactors are straight and on the right tracks.

      when I did mine first time, it wouldnt focus as I didn’t line that focusing pin.

  6. […] Otra forma de desmontaje para el mismo proposito. Canon EFS 17-85mm IS stuck/locked zoom repair/disassembly | t's technology blog […]

  7. Edgar Avatar

    Thanks a lot! This happened to me too and your clear guide helped me through it.

  8. Alexay Avatar

    Zoom stopped working (it was in the position of 17mm, autofocus worked). Did everything as you described. Everything is fine. I found a screw had fallen. Collected back. Zoom works and focus to work longer. All cables are connected properly. Focusing not. Sometimes just focusing occurs in macro mode. Motor hums, but the picture in the viewfinder does not change.

    If you have time and opportunity – write to my e-mail ([email protected]), in what may be the cause. And how it can be corrected.
    Thank. Instruction is very useful.

    1. MECTILE Avatar


      I had this happen to myself the first time. What has happened is there is a plastic pin about 5mm wide black plastic connected to the focusing ring. You need to make sure this pin is slotted into the correct position. If it is not slotted correctly, it motor and manual focus will work, but it will not focus. Hope this helps.

  9. Alexay Avatar

    I have not yet deciphered the lens for the second time. But focus does not work either autofocus or manual focus. Although, perhaps I could never saw this plastic pin. I’ll try to bust again. if I can not find a plastic pin – then will return again.

  10. MECTILE Avatar

    I have circled the ‘pin’ in this photo, make sure to align it when you put everything back

  11. Alexay Avatar

    Thank you
    Reassemble the lens again, now everything works.
    For the first time noticed the plastic pin during assembly.

  12. Amrit Avatar

    Thanks for the detailed step by step with pictures. I took the lens apart and now thanks to you it is working fine. I was going to dish out a whole of cash thinking that it was not worth to send it to canon for fixing.

    Thank you, thank you and thank you.

  13. Mike Avatar

    Gotta love the web – a million thanks! Your instructions worked great and the photos are key to taking it apart plus putting it back together.

  14. Simon COngdon Avatar
    Simon COngdon

    Hi there! Do you know if this fix will sort out an err01 problem (connection between the camera and the lens)? Mayme it is one of the connectors?

  15. Paul Avatar

    Excellent information, thanks. One small problem – do you know what size screwdrivers I need to do this?

  16. jon cage Avatar

    I’d just like to say a massive thankyou for this. I was quoted £100-150 to repair this. Took me two attempts in the end, but I now have a working lens again!

    Can I make a suggestion? Can you please modify the article to make that focussing pin issue clearer? If that circled image had been in the main article with a note saying something like “make sure the two silver prongs stradle the black plastic pin” I would have done it in one attempt.

    One more point; one of the three black screws on my lens was jammed with metal which meant I couldn’t remove it. If you’re careful though, you can slide that section off wven with one screw still in.

    Thanks again!

  17. y D Avatar
    y D

    Thank you soo much. You saved me a lot of money. Everything was easy to follow, and thanks a million for that “black pin” trick.. or else i would’ve brought it into service when the zoom worked but the focusing wouldn’t.

    It just sucked when i closed everything up but forgot to put the focusing ring back on, but at least everything is ok now.

    Thanks again 😀

  18. tomas Avatar


    your guide was very helpful used it to fix the zoom problem,however I’m getting stuck on putting it back together.I’m referring to the reverse step of “The inner black plastic ring is connected to the metal outer ring with 4 plastic clips in the inside. By pushing the clips towards the center, the black plastic ring can be removed from the top of the metal outer ring. “Once I put it together the black plastic ring with camera connectors does not want to fit the metal ring and as a result I keep getting communication error with lens message on my camera.This is most likely due to distance between camera connectors and lens connectors being off.

  19. ITS Magic Avatar
    ITS Magic

    Really helpful post thanks! All three screws were loose for me and before it locked up. I thought the lens was just getting loose / knackered due to the rough environment I take photos in (on very wet boats and photos of very wet boats in rough water – the top side of the boats being wet as well as the bottom of course 😉 )

    I found a couple of useful things out on this journey too. On first read although mentioned above I was still stupid enough to not realise that I had not got the focusing pin line up correctly.

    A few extra tips for future readers… The focusing ring is the black stubby thing about 4mm wide at the bottom of the assembly as you get to the last part of disassembly and first part of reassembly.

    The black stubby pin goes in between the metal prong like thing that comes down to meet it. In between the prongs is the correct position referred to above You will recognise that when you eventually get in there. For a good while I thought it was to go into a hole roughly the right size for the pin in one of the plastic lugs. Not having done one before and not realising to make note as I disassembled I got that wrong on the first rebuild and it is really annoying although much easier to do second time.

    Micro screwdriver set is invaluable for this job of course. Also a pair of tweezers can help retrieve dropped screws or align the connector ribbons.

    The big (wide) ribbon has two little black push holders on it and these need to come out a little way to release it. the brown covers on the other two flip up to release and the ones with little paper tags just pull out and push in.

    Once you get down to the last stages too avoid moving the lens around to much or the bottom rings can come off and it is a bit of a pig to get back on.

    I managed it by lifting up the internal part of the lens to elongate it which also moved a lug thing up so the three extender slides could then find their home.

    Budget on about an hour to an hour and a half of time to do all of the job. Above all nothing needs forcing.

    The hardest part as mentioned above is to get the plastic ring out from the metal ones. I found fingers or thumb to gently push the clips in did the trick. I broke one off initially trying to fit a screw driver in. It still works fine with three I have found out too 🙂

    Thanks again to t and everyone else giving tips on the issue saved me a fortune!


  20. Amber Avatar


    Thank you SO much for all the great information, as well as the photos! I’m having an issue with getting the 5 ribbons disconnected. I got 4 of them, but I’m not sure what to do with the biggest one (at 3 o’clock in your photo). I already broke one of the hinge clips trying to figure them out (for anyone else having problems, they’re the two closest to 4 and 5 o’clock on the photo, and the brown part flips up with a hinge on the long edge nearest the middle of the lens. The other 2 ribbons just pull out), so I don’t want to mess with it any further until I know what I’m doing. Thanks again!!

  21. ITS Magic Avatar
    ITS Magic

    Hi Amber,

    If the job is still in progress – I had the same issues as when you don’t know it is hard to work out first time round – as per my post just above…

    “The big (wide) ribbon has two little black push holders on it and these need to come out a little way to release it. the brown covers on the other two flip up to release and the ones with little paper tags just pull out and push in.”

    They pull out in the direction of the ribbon itself for either side of it and they don’t come out all the way just about 1.5mm. Reverse it for putting them back in.


  22. Anthony Avatar

    I’d like to give it a go but am somewhat afraid that i’ll make a mess of it all. Not the handiest of people with small projects. Would anyone know of a place I can send it to other than Canon ? Maybe somewhere in London ? I wanted to thank the author of this article as it’s a fantastic step by step. I just don’t know if I have the guts to take my lens apart.

  23. Glennok Avatar

    Hi. thanks so much for this tutorial. I’ve finished it at the zoom is working well.

    I made sure the plastic pin was in for the focus, however the auto focus is working fine, but the focus ring is not having an effect at all. Is there something I missed there?

    Thanks again!

  24. Martin Avatar

    Hi, just to add to the many thanks already posted for your in-depth instructions on how to fix this problem. Saved alot of money and satisfying to fix the problem myself.

    One point i had difficulty with is the removal of the inner plastic ring at the start of the process. As you rightly say it is the most difficult part and i did break a couple of the clips using a small screwdriver to ease them off. Don’t use this method but instead gently push the plastic ring with your fingers to gently seperate it from the metal ring. Fortunately it does still work with the missing clips.

    Thanks again.

  25. Chris Potter Avatar
    Chris Potter

    I would just like to record my thanks for this page which has just helped me to repair my lens. I was puzzled yesterday when the zoom action of the lens appeared to be locked, and had resigned myself to having to put it in with a Canon repair shop – no doubt at considerable cost.

    I was incredibly relieved to find this page, and having followed the instructions for an hour or so this morning the lens now works perfectly.

    Many thanks for such a useful page.


  26. Josh Beers Avatar

    Hey there, many thanks to your step by step instructions. The zoom works perfect now, I am having trouble with getting the camera to communicate with the lens now, do you know if it’s the ribbon connectors? It’s Err01.

    Also my manual focus is not working. I know it’s not your job and you provided such a great article and it looks like I just messed it up.

    Let me know if you can help at all. Thanks again.

  27. Marco Herzog Avatar

    Dude youre so awesome. you saved my day. lens works as new 😉
    thanks a lot man!

  28. […] es nach ein paar mal jackeln und wackel wieder weg aber auf dauert konnte das kein Zustand sein. Hier gibts eine Anleitung wie man das Ding relativ unkompliziert auseinander baut. Aber vorsicht bei den […]

  29. Bock the Robber Avatar

    I wouldn’t have the courage to attempt this repair, but I noticed that the lens locked up when it was fully retracted. Somehow, it occasionally released itself, so I put a rubber band onto it, preventing it from going fully home and seizing up. Since I did that, it’s been working fine, although it’s now an 18-85 instead. I can live with that.

  30. CatDang Avatar

    I tool everything n i did it.everything work fine even auto focus. But it take forever. It just move back n ford quickly n never stop. Manual focus only work 1way from infinitie to macro.
    So i took all off again n c what s missing. Nothing then this time i broke the large cable (which s hard to take off). I put them back then try again. Dame prob.
    Any ideas???
    Thx mate. U r champ.

  31. Martin Avatar

    Many thanks for your article. As with others managed to mis-align the focussing pin necessitating a third disassembly. Don’t ask about the second! Almost all is working fine now with the exception of manual focus which does not seem to be doing anything. Any ideas? Autofocus is fine and as quick as ever and I am not too keen to take the lens apart for a fourth time without a good idea of what to do to fix it! I notice this seems to be a common issue!
    Thanks agin

  32. aanya Avatar

    my 18-200 lens is also stuck at the 18mm wide angle setting – will your instructions work for this lens as well?

  33. Chemi Dorje Avatar
    Chemi Dorje

    Thanks a lot for helping me out, i was so angry first, after i saw this i tried, at first i gave up because i broke one of the clip like you did. After i read one of the comment i again started and now i have made it. Thanks a lot for you help, this is how the world will unite and no borders will limit human being and every one will be equal. I am very greatful to you.

  34. Frits Avatar

    Hi. thanks so much for this tutorial. I’ve finished it and the zoom is working again well.
    Thanks again

  35. Jim Avatar

    For those with manual focus problems:

    The same thing happened to me. Reassembled the lens yesterday and everything worked except the manual focus.

    Took it apart again today (grrr!), and this time paid a lot of attention to getting that focus ring working before I put it all back together again. This is tricky. The whole lens moves about and can fall apart again before you put all the screws back. I think the ring grips the assembly with the focus pin on it – mine was quite stiff. Working it a bit made the focus move easier and somehow it now works. Phew! So don’t despair, you will be able to get it working with a bit of patience.

    Good luck!

    …and thanks t for the instructions.

  36. Paul Avatar

    This article is fantastic but I even struggled to undo the first set of screws! I ended up sending my lens to Canon UK to get it fixed. I thought this would be expensive but they did it under a fixed price repair for £51 all in. For me this was a reasonable price to pay as I was worried that I would mess up the repair and end up with a completely useless pile of bits!

  37. Mimi Avatar

    Thanks for this article love it! But still stuck on the first step for 30 mins, can’t get the black bit off the metal ring!! Can’t figure out how to unclip it without breaking it..somebody help me??! is the black bit supposed to come out sort of towards the lens or away from the lens? (if that makes any sense..)

  38. Mimi Avatar

    No worries, woooohooooo I fixed it!!! It’s been broken for nearly 4 months I was too scared to do it myself and no money to get it fixed..but now yayy
    so happy, thanks for the article!!

  39. Peter Avatar

    Hi t, I saw a 17-85 lens for sale titled “canon 17-85 broken stuck at 17mm” and after searching on google i found this instruction. so i bid on the lens and got it for €100. have just spent the last two hours repairing it and guess what, it works first time. you just gave me an early Christmas present. Thanks

  40. Patrick Avatar

    Thanks a lot for this awesome tutorial….managed to get my lens back working again like new.

  41. will Avatar

    Need help asap! I am trying to get the lens to a friend today!

    OK, everything is good, zoom works, BUT focus only seems to move if i grip the top part of the focus barell where it has the numbers on it, macro etc.
    If i put the focus ring on, that part just spins forever and does not CLICK with the top part, thus moving focus?

    Can someone help pleasE??

  42. marco Avatar

    @ will
    i think the outer zoom ring you grab with hand and the inner ring which is driven by the motor are not connected with each other. i cant describe it properly. “do make sure the focusing pin between the inner and outer len is in place.” i think thats the important thing 😉

  43. grovel Avatar

    Thanks a lot for this guide. I didn’t get an official Canon quote, but the German photostore gave me an estimate of 200-250€ for the repair.
    However, seeing that it is so simple to solve the issue, even the 80€ downpayment (to get a quote) would have been too much.

    Those final screws were loose indeed. After having so much trouble trying to open some of the others, the last ones were almost falling out…
    Seems a construction error on Canon’s part (or an intentional expiry date), to use plastic for this part of the lens.

    Btw. you’re right, getting the black plastic ring off is the most difficult part (one of the clips broke, but that’s no drama). It seems silly, that they make the actual opening of the lens so difficult (and not by simply relying on screws).
    Thanks a lot, also, for all the comments. I wouldn’t have been able to remove the ribbon cables without them, nor would I have understood how to align the focusing pin without the comments.

    Cheers, grovel

    P.S. Now the only downside is that I don’t have any urgent reason to get the 24-85mm f2.8L … 😉

  44. Simon Avatar

    I just repaired my camera and pulled most things apart including the autofocus assembly etc.

    Long story short, the repair was a success, but I do now have an autofocus problem – anything over 3m distance struggles to lock focus and usually fails. Everything close up appears pretty spot on though.

    Any thoughts – wondering if a service centre would touch it now i’ve DIY’d.

    Guessing it needs recalibrating … but thats beyond DIY.

    Thanks in advance.

  45. robin Avatar

    I’m so grateful for these instructions.
    I too broke a black clip and forgot to engage the autofocus tab before reassembly.
    The second disassembly was quicker and now the lens works perfectly.
    Funny how nervous you become once you have a pile of screws and bits lying around.
    Reminds me of my youth when everything came apart easily but without any instructions would never go back together.
    I took a few pics at each stage of disassembly and these helped on the way back to working lense.
    Thanks again.

  46. mike Avatar

    Nice instructions! Good dos and don’ts list.

    I followed some others the first two times I disassembled this lens and ended up taking off the front lens assembly. your way is more elegant, easier, and presents less of a chance of error.

    Like many others I also nearly wrecked the connectors during the first disassembly, so the “black rectangle sticker” step was absolutely key this time around.

    I applied some loctite and should be good as new….for good. Thanks!

  47. Seb Avatar

    Dear t!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your fantastic tutorial helped me save a lot of money. Moreover, for the first time in my life I encouraged myself to do disassembly and reassembly of something which seemed to me too complicated. I thought only pros could do that. You helped me and lots and lots of other people to do it on our own. Thank you for showing how!

    PS I would also like to thank ITS Magic, who’s post I’ve found very helpful.

  48. Farmer-phill Avatar

    Hi t,

    Thanks, brilliant tutorial!
    Embarked on this repair when my lens showed signs of sticking at various points of zoom and found the problem screws all tight, after a lot of studying found the corner of the zoom sticker with m/ft increments on it had curled up a little so carefully trimmed it back and reassembled the lens which now seems to function perfectly. It would thus appear that this is enough to cause the focus ring to stick and could cause the same symptoms as the loose screws.

  49. Jon Luigi Avatar
    Jon Luigi

    Thank you very much for this guide. it really helps…

  50. Shaneo Avatar

    Fantastic article, my lens is working fine once again. Got tripped up at the end with the focusing pin – should have read through ALL the posts at the start! Thanks

  51. RStrauss Avatar

    Thank you so much. Fixed it in 1 hour 9 minutes more or less, with no issues. Perfect instructions. The thing works smooth as could be now!

    I didn’t find that I needed to remove the outer casing: I could reach right in, grab the screw, put lock-tite on it, and screwed it in nice and tight. It really was extraordinarily loose; way to go Canon…

    A little bit more detail about the ribbon cables (for those that aren’t familiar; I had to ask a buddy) would be helpful.

    Thanks so much again. I couldn’t have done this without you and I’m sure they charge an arm and a leg, plus the time without the lens…

  52. suzy Avatar

    hey I just finished fixing my lens and it now doesnt focus. I have the pin lined up (i think, well i have the line lined up to the line on the zoom so im hoping thats right) can you please help? is it the contactor are they not connected properly? your help would be greatly appreciated.

  53. Deviant Pixel Avatar
    Deviant Pixel

    Thank you. I normally read helpful posts and don’t comment but I had to extend my thanks to you for this post. I actually took the lens apart before and couldn’t figure out what was causing the zoom to get stuck. I am sitting here at this table with a reassembled lens and a perfectly working zoom now. You saved me money, time, and frustration. I thank you again (:

  54. Cathcort Avatar

    I truly appreciate the time you took to carefully post these instructions.

    Any tips on removing the screws in step 2? they see especially difficult to loosen.

  55. Cathcort Avatar

    …never mind… I got a better screwdriver and the four screws came out easily. Now on to the harder parts…

    Thanks again.

  56. jwalter Avatar

    Carefully, patiently, successfully I did the repair today, and wanted to share some feedback for others looking to perform it.

    > The direction that says, “Remove the 5 screws (circled in red)” ONLY FOUR of the screws are ID’d with a RED circle. One RED ID is missing from the photo.
    To the best of my memory, the BLUE screw almost at 6 o’clock is actually the fifth RED, and the one to the right of that (not circled) is actually the third BLUE screw.

    > It would be better if the DO NOT’s were at the TOP of the instructions rather than at the end esp. the one about not touching the FOCUS ring. READ the DO NOT’s before you get started. — I did, but there is also no warning that just as you turn the lens over in the next step (Turn the lens over and remove the rubber zoom grip. ) the FOCUS RING may just freely drop right off (mine did) and Hey–ooops; you’re not suppose to play with it when trying figure the right place or how to properly realign it.

    > The last instruction (You now have access to the problem screw(s) that need tightening.) should have pointers, or a call out to tell you the other screws you may have to tighten are the same as the single one circled in red; also how tight to make them.
    I may have tightened the three offending screws a little too much, because once I did the reassembly, the zoom works fine, but has a little of a hollow aluminum pipe sound when zoomed and seems a little stiff.

    Also a good idea to do the repair and dis-assembly on a white bath towel ( or something like that) where you can keep the parts lines up in the order you remove them AND b/c it will help prevent loss of the asst’d tiny screws. — Make sure you have a good pair of tweezers!

    All that said, motto thanks to the author for the information offered and services rendered. — All the best.

    # # #

  57. jwalter Avatar

    Carefully, patiently, successfully I did the repair today, and wanted to share some feedback for others looking to perform it.

    > The direction that says, “Remove the 5 screws (circled in red)” ONLY FOUR of the screws are ID’d with a RED circle. One RED ID is missing from the photo.
    To the best of my memory, the BLUE screw almost at 6 o’clock is actually the fifth RED, and the one to the right of that (not circled) is actually the third BLUE screw.

    > It would be better if the DO NOT’s were at the TOP of the instructions rather than at the end esp. the one about not touching the FOCUS ring. READ the DO NOT’s before you get started. — I did, but there is also no warning that just as you turn the lens over in the next step (Turn the lens over and remove the rubber zoom grip. ) the FOCUS RING may just freely drop right off (mine did) and Hey–ooops; you’re not suppose to play with it when trying figure the right place or how to properly realign it.

    > The last instruction (You now have access to the problem screw(s) that need tightening.) should have pointers, or a call out to tell you the other screws you may have to tighten are the same as the single one circled in red; also how tight to make them.
    I may have tightened the three offending screws a little too much, because once I did the reassembly, the zoom works fine, but has a little of a hollow aluminum pipe sound when zoomed and seems a little stiff.

    Also a good idea to do the repair and dis-assembly on a white bath towel ( or something like that) where you can keep the parts lined up in the order you remove them AND b/c it will help prevent loss of the asst’d tiny screws.
    — Make sure you have a good pair of tweezers!

    All that said, motto thanks to the author for the information offered and services rendered. — All the best.

    # # #

  58. peterparker Avatar

    THANK YOU soo much! finally have my baby back in working condition. your instructions were vital!!

  59. sedu Avatar

    Man! Thanks a lot u jst saved me lot of money….the focusing pin is important thou

  60. […] esto: Canon EFS 17-85mm IS stuck/locked zoom repair/disassembly | t's technology blog __________________ Mis Canon y muchas, muchas ganas de fotografiar. […]

  61. PetrS Avatar

    Thanks a zillion, really. This tutorial saved me a lot of money, my lens are back and fully operational. THANK YOU! 🙂

  62. Michael C. Avatar
    Michael C.

    Very good how-to for fixing this issue. I really had more trouble putting it back together than taking it apart.

    The only issue I have now is that I seem to have done something to make the image jitter when auto-focusing. It does not affect the clarity of the image from what I can tell, just that it shifts up or down when pressing the shutter to bring it into focus.

  63. Erik Avatar

    Thank you!!!
    Thanks to your very nice tutorial, i was able to disassemble my lens, fix a few cracks that happened due to an accident, and now it works again 😀

  64. James Holtzman Avatar
    James Holtzman

    My zoom quit working, locked up, felt a part shaking around inside, took the rubber zoom ring off, the stamping fell out. Whatever it is, prevented the lens from going in and out when the zoom ring was turned. Took the lens apart with your istructions, found where the part went but the screws are actually missing! I don’t know how the lens worked, I bought it used from B&H little over a year ago, no tell-tale marks where the screw heads would have been, wondering if the part was cemented in perhaps? Screws to eyeglasses were too small, otherwise I’d have fixed the thing. I put it back together without the part, will have some manual zoom control by pulling out or pushing in on the lens until I can get it repaired, I’m out of the country now. Didn’t fix my problem but I know what to do next, thanks everyone.


  65. Elio Avatar

    Thank you very very much! Thank you for showing photo and instructions. You have been great! Your tutorial helped me. My lens now seems to function perfectly. Thanks again!

  66. maz tresna Avatar
    maz tresna

    thank you for your guiding, it works for me. i dont need spend any money to repair it, just follow your direction step by step quiet perfectly..god bless you..wish you all the best..amiiin..

  67. James Holtzman Avatar
    James Holtzman

    With epoxy and superglue handy, I took the lens apart again (thanks for the steps) and a screw fell out, still one screw unaccountable for. I put the part in place with one screw and a tiny drop of superglue under the part. Back together, works fine with the exception of two minor problem, focusing is jittery, like somebody else described, and once in a while I get a message from the camera saying it cannot communicate with the lens, clean the contacts or something. Less than perfect, I was able to finish the trip and take photos.

    When I got home, sent the lens to Canon, they are charging about $190 US including shipping. They commented that “I tampered” with the lens, duh! I had no choice, I would have had NO lens at all. Hopefully they will bring the lens back to factory specs.

    Thanks again – Jim

  68. Rita Avatar


    Can anyone help me with the pressure connected ribbon cables- I’m not sure how to release them. I have managed the others. It’s the widest one I’m not sure how to remove.

    Thank you

  69. Ole Lund Andersen Avatar
    Ole Lund Andersen

    Same prob as Rita – with the pressure connected ribbon cables – don’t know how to release them.
    (unfortunately broke a double-cable attached to the Auto focus and the Stabilizer button because I couldn’t see any other solution to getting the black plastic housing off…damn!)

  70. Ole Lund Andersen Avatar
    Ole Lund Andersen

    Think I located the pressure ribbon cable at eight o’clock in picture five – disconnecting it didnt release the plastic housing though – what am I doing wrong?

  71. Ole Lund Andersen Avatar
    Ole Lund Andersen

    OK managed to get it of – you need to push with something pointed on the blocks where the screwholes are while pressing the plastic housing upwards

  72. Rita Avatar

    Hi Ole
    I broke one of the ribbon cables too- what a nightmare. Still haven’t managed to get the pressure connected ribbon cables of at 3 and 11 o’clock. Have you had any luck with those?
    Don’t know what I’m going to do even if I do get it apart, now that the ribbon cables broken. But I won’t let it beat me!!
    I look at it every so often hoping for inspiration! Nothings happening!

  73. vijay dhole Avatar
    vijay dhole

    i have a problem on my canon 17-85mm lanse,comminication between camera and lanse is not connect……….plzzzzzzzz give me fast reply……thank u

  74. Bart Avatar

    Thanks a million for this guide. I knew the minute I read it that it would fix my problem. And it did!
    I would recommend anyone trying to fix the same problem to read the entire article first, including all the comments. There are quite a few helpful tips in the comments as well.

  75. Adrian Avatar

    Thanks for this, sadly due to the tightness of the 4 screws (Step 2) I’ve managed to partially strip the head of one of the screws – think I’ll have to bail on the repair and get a pro to doit before I destroy the head of the scew totally!

    Thanks very much for the step-by-step guide, really great that you shared this.


  76. Wayne Lawton Avatar

    Many thanks for this guide. Worked like a charm. Lens is back up and unlocked!

  77. rita rosso Avatar
    rita rosso

    “Disconnect the 5 ribbon cables from the PCB. 2 are pressure connected, 2 with a hinged clip and 1 with a pressure clip. Unscrew a single Philips screw allowing the removal of the PCB.”
    Please can anyone explain how to disconnect the 2 “pressure connected” ribbons as mentioned in the above paragraph.
    I can’t work out how it’s done

    Thank you

  78. Ole Avatar

    Hi Rita
    Sorry been away for a while.
    The ribbon cable at 11 can be removed either by holding something pointed behind the two white tabs sticking out on each side behind the connection and gently pulling it away from the connection or with a tiny pointed electrician pliers/tweezer hold round the white area and gently pull it back. The cable at 3 is a bit tighter, I used a small water pump plier! adjusting the size of the plier to the broad side of the cable and got it loose by gently grabbing round the sides and pulling it away from the connection, I think it’s also possible to grab it gently with a pointed electrician pliers and pull a little in one side then pull a little in the other and it will gradually disconnect – be carefull when you reassemble the metal outer ring and the plastic inner ring with the clips they easely break. I managed to break two, I put them back on with a very strong instant glue and with an old soldering iron I melted some plastic on the back side of the two clips and got them working again (it’s a bit tricky to do this). Travis writes “By pushing the clips towards the center..” I would with all respect for the great work he has done correct it to – very gently press the top of the clips back and release them from the outer metal ring.
    I broke the cable connecting the Auto Focus and Image stabilizer because I disassembled the AF IS contact on the side of the lens – don’t do this it’s not necessary!! – I tried to assemble the cable by gluing the ends to a little flat peace of stiff plastic and stripping the ends of the cable so the cobber was exposed and connecting them with electrically conductive glue specially made for reestablishing print circuits. When I finally got the lens assembled it worked!, but I’m still not sure whether the Image Stabilizer works. I found this web site with spare parts:
    and I will later contact them to see if they have the parts that was broken (I like the lens to be all in one peace)
    Release of pressure clips of the cables at 4 and 5 o’clock
    The brown area on the connection right above where the cable goes in are hinges they can be relased by gently pressing upwards with a pointed tool on each side of the cable or gently placing a hobby knife blade between the white cable end and the hinge and gently press upwards.
    If any of you get contact with someone selling spare parts, please let me know – I will let you know if I succeed getting the parts.

  79. BiperX Avatar

    Hi guys,

    Just to say I have finished assembly of the lens after it got stuck at 17mm. I think I performed all steps correctly, as the zoom works as a charm, but now the focus desn’t work either in manual or auto mode. Not sure why this happened as I had the focusing ring on the same position (infinity) permanently attached by using sticky tape around it.
    Can anyone help, please? Thanks a lot

  80. Nige Avatar

    Yep I have exactly the same problem. I was careful to ensure that all parts went back in same position, (in my case 17mm) but no focasing in manual or auto. In auto I can hear it hunting but unable to focus in. Shame because I fixed the zoom problem quite easily except for damaging a couple of lugs on the plastic ring as warned about. Help

  81. Nige Avatar

    I have been able to correct the focusing issue on my lens without stripping down anything other than the rubber zoom grip.
    Remove the grip, turn the zoom to 17mm and the focus ring to macro. In the window above the EFS 17-85mm writing you should see two metal strips. in my case the lug that should have sat between these was to the right of them. With tweezers and a jewelers screwdriver I was able to gently work the lug under the first metal strip so that it sat between the two. Everything sorted and a huge bill avoided. Thanks so much for a great blog.

  82. Bogdan Avatar

    You just saved me 70 Euros. Thank you very much for this tutorial, it was really helpful!

  83. BiperX Avatar

    You were absolutely right Nige! It was the problem you described – the black plastic should fit into the “fork” shaped metal inside the lens, which I belive is an extension coming from focusing motor. I have done it tonight hoping it will sort out the problem, but I had less lucky than you.
    In my case manual focus now works OK (so it’s definately better than it was before) but when switched to auto, camera focuses then starts traveling backwards and forwards as if it could not stay in same focal point. Also the sound from autofocusing system is diifferent and more noisy to the one I remember…
    Any suggestions much appreciated, thanks!

  84. Nigel Avatar

    Thank you saved time and money

  85. BiperX Avatar

    Following my genius attempt to “repair” the lens now I have Err 01 msg when taking pictures with zoom bigger than 17mm. Perhaps that was the reason why I had problem with autofocusing? I’ve read about this error a little and it turns out as one of the connector bus controlling aperture is broken, so I already ordered a new one from eBay.
    Quite frankly I am giving up hope with this lens and start thinking about another one from Canon’s competition. It’s rather disappointing that after only 3years of rather gentle use (20k shots) the lens is just dying and I am not the only one to admit that, so what do you guys think?

    Regards and good luck to everyone.

  86. JT Avatar

    Great instructions. My lens is no longer jammed…however, like “suzy” (copy/pasted below), my lens doesn’t focus. Can you help me figure this out? THanks a bunch.

    suzy says:
    March 19, 2011 at 10:49 pm
    hey I just finished fixing my lens and it now doesnt focus. I have the pin lined up (i think, well i have the line lined up to the line on the zoom so im hoping thats right) can you please help? is it the contactor are they not connected properly? your help would be greatly appreciated.

  87. Michael Lee Avatar
    Michael Lee

    Wow! Great! Thanks so much!!! I already replaced my lense several years ago; and today, with time on my hands, I thought I’d open it up and see if I could figure out what was wrong (zoom stuck on 17mm). Once I started, I thought to try a web search for help, and found this. Could NOT have done it without your help!

    I was mad that a Canon lense stopped working like that…I’ve been in photography for around 45 years and know how to treat good equipment! For those above who were thinking of a new lense, I have my second Tamron. It’s 18-270mm and I REALLY like that extra length compared to the Canon 17-85mm. Is the optical quality different than a Canon? I have done formal protraiture with it and can’t tell a practical difference.

    By the way, my fixed Canon zooms smoother now and with better control than it did brand new! Again, Travis, THANKS!

    (Note for anyone reading here and still thinking about trying this — it is not for the faint of heart, and easy enough to damage something. But it’s very possible. You need mechanical savy–recommend experience with tiny mechanical and electrial– good tools, and steady hands. Putting back together can be harder than taking apart if you don’t carefully lay things out in order. Study each section carefully before taking the next piece off in order to assist memory in reassembling. At worst, you end up paying someone to fix it, but you’d have done that anyway if not trying to do it yourself!)

  88. Arndt Last Avatar


    thanks for the helpfull instruction to repair the blocked Canon zoom objective! I followed it and transfered it to German for those who might find German more easy to follow. Some aditional pictures were added and another defect repaired. If you like, you might link Germans to: > Technisches > Reparaturanleitungen
    I tried to put the direkt link in here, but then an errors “Illegal characters in POST. Possible email injection attempt” occurs!

    Thanks again, Arndt Last

    Edit by t: redirecting link here

  89. kaufi Avatar

    Hi !
    Thanks for the great documantation !!
    No the objective works fine !
    Be careful at the reassembling !!
    Reg Kaufi

  90. abz2002 Avatar

    First off, thank you to original author, sorted the zoom out after some battling with keeping the inside of the lens clean as the zoom sleeve feel out.

    AF stopped working and thanks to Nige for an easy fix, I would have dredded taking it all apart once again.

    Must admit took me best part of 3 hours but well worth it!

    Broke one of the black clips as others have referred to =, did nothing about this as two seem adequate, not going to lose sleep over that.

    Also, the large ribbon has a black clip which came away from its lugs either side but I still manage to slip it back in to hold the ribbon tight with any repair or modification.

  91. Martin Avatar

    I also did the procedure. Thank you very much for the guide. Now everything works fine, EXEPT:
    I can’t focus to infinity anymore. Focus works fine and also the black pin is in the right position, but the focuspoint have moved a little bit foreward. i have a greater macro focus but also as mentioned no focus to infinity.

    Can anybody help?

  92. marjo Avatar

    I have the same problem as BiperX. THe Manual focus does work, de AF doesn’t. Someone already find the problem? I don’t know what to do…

  93. Marcus Wagner Avatar

    I really appreciate what some people in the net are doing to help others – i did not dissasemble it yet, but was so happy to find this blog after my 17-85 locked itself yesterday.

    thank you!

    1. Barry Avatar

      Hi, Travis. Thanks for this information, pictures and Blog. I had previously fixed my EFS 17-85mm for a broken flex cable (see my pictures at ). Just recently The lens developed a focus hunt problem. At any zoom position except 17mm the lens would not focus – it would hunt back and forth to try and lock a focus in. Manual focus with a half press would work though and get the “beep” at correct focus. The solution was to disassemble the lens and remove the USM motor assembly, turn in over and remove five screws on a retaining ring under which a semi circular focus movement sensor (clear plastic sensor with fine lines and an optical lens assembly) was found. A complete clean in alcohol and re-gluing of the semi circular clear plastic optical sensor (one end was loose!) has returned this lens to correct operation once again. I have now repaired this lens twice!.
      Thanks again for sharing all the comment here.

      1. Ricardo Camarinho Avatar
        Ricardo Camarinho

        I too have used this guide to repair the err001 about one year ago! I also have your problem with the focus right now! At any zoom position except 17mm the lens just focus hunts! I have already disassembled twice. Once for the optical cleaning, which didn’t work and other to a complete photocoupler cleaning, and still wasn’t able to repair!
        Any further ideas would be great! 🙂
        Thanks a lot

  94. Hänsel von der Gretel Avatar
    Hänsel von der Gretel

    Thanks a lot for this great tutorial… worked all fine.. I broke two plastic clips but this seems to be no problem….

  95. dbs Avatar

    A Great tutorial, for which I must thank you, BUT while taking mine apart, a piece of metal has fallen out that is not in your description. it’s a kind of a ‘forked’ piece coming of an off set curved piece (that has 2 holes in the curved piece) any idea where this bit may have came from ?? I know it’s a long shot but worth asking….


  96. Lens repair for dummies (ie. Me!) | iPad News Blog

    […] a fault and was stuck at 17mm with only about 2mm of play. Upon googling, I came across this link:… After researching repair costs, I decided to have a go at fixing it myself as it wasn’t quite […]

  97. Shireen Avatar

    Any tips for how to get the metal outer ring and the plastic inner ring back together, while also getting the ribbon in there? I’m having a hell of a time getting this last piece back together.

  98. Shireen Avatar

    Got it together and now the auto focus won’t work and it’s not recognizing aperture. I’m fairly certain the focusing pin is in the correct spot.

  99. Anders Avatar

    I have had the same problem with the autofocusing and manual focusing that didn’t work after the fix, as many people has been writing about in this thread, and I have been reading all the posts through and thanks to posts from especially t, nige, biperx and jon cage I got my focussing to work again and now have a fully functional lens! Thanks a lot!

    I will in the following try to explain how I corrected this:

    1. Do as the guide tells you and strip everything down to where the loose screws are accessible.

    2. As t wrote in the comments and posted a picture about:
    A 1 cm black plastic pin is marked with a green circle. Move this pin to the outermost position.

    4. Position the two silver prongs, coming from the autofocus unit (the unit in the left side of this picture so they straddle the black plastic pin.
    If these parts aren’t put together correctly, no focussing will take place since the focus engine/manual focus grip isn’t moving anything around.

    3. Set the focus on macro and the zoom to 17 and put everything together again.

    4. Voila the world isn’t blurry anymore!

    1. Gid Avatar

      Guys you are brilliants! I did the same mistake after fixing stuck zoom. Your post help me to find my mistake why I lost focus function .Thanks a lot , almost threw my lens to garbage. Now it is working fine!!!!!

  100. […] a year later (February 2010) the lens failed again, becoming jammed at the 17mm end. I was able to pull the lens apart and get it working again to some degree, but the autofocus wasn’t as good as before.Summary: failed within 3 years, […]

  101. Mark Bird Avatar
    Mark Bird

    Thanks so much for this! I managed the repair with no problems and now have a working lens again!!!!

  102. Paul Steven Avatar

    My lens is also stuck on 17mm. I sent it to a Canon Approved repair center and they have quoted me

    P & P £7.00
    SPARES £0.00
    LABOUR £105.00
    VAT £22.4
    TOTAL £134.40

    The following work to be carried out:
    Dismantle Lens
    General Service
    Recalibrate All
    Repair Ultrasonic Motor
    Replace Aperture

    I have only had this lens for just over 2 years and previously had to have the following done for a similar cost: Replace Power Diaphragm Unit

    I am very careful with my camera and lenses and they do not get a huge amount of use. Seems like I have been very unlucky as I was under the impression a lens lasted many years.

  103. […] Allerdings gabs da auch ne Lösung. Wenn man sich es zutraut, kann man es nämlich ganz einfach selber reparieren. Ich hab es mit folgender Anleitung in einer Stunde hinbekommen: Canon EFS 17-85mm IS stuck/locked zoom repair/disassembly […]

  104. Krzych Bisztyga Avatar
    Krzych Bisztyga

    Thanks very much! My lens works fine again!!!!
    (Vielen Dank für die Anleitung, meine Linse tut wieder)
    (Dziękuję za instrukcję, mój obiektyw znów funkcjonuje)

  105. enrico Avatar

    Smart, useful and well done tutorial. I’ve finished in repairing my 17-85 just now. Thank you!

  106. Darren Capes Avatar
    Darren Capes

    Many, many thanks for posting this – very clear and precise instructions that have probably saved me over £100! The repair took me about 4 hours end to end and although fiddly wasn’t that difficult.

    To Shireen (and anyone else struggling to get the contacts, metal bayonet ring and black pastic piece back together), try it this way…

    Screw the contacts assembly back into the metal bayonet ring before trying to press the plastic inner back into place. Now place the metal ring and contacts back into place on the lens and screw the four screws that hold the bayonet ring onto the lens to semi tight, Now locate and gently press the plastic piece until all four lugs click back into place. Fully tighten the fours screws and viola! much easier than trying to assemble all three pieces at once.

  107. Marty Avatar

    Don’t try this same fix on a Sigma 17-50mm 2.8…

    SO much more wiring and a complete disassembly required to fix the exact same problem. One loose screw ruins the zoom function of the lens. Lens is out of warranty so it’s a throw-away in this case.

  108. Maximilian Avatar

    This worked like a charm BUT if you re here because the ZoOm stucked at 17mm with some .. trying can be shifted to 35mm or even 85mm then you can skip all steps just to the point where you remove the zoom rubber – the screws are accessable when you can still .. sometimes can zoom to 85mm. voila!

  109. Grahame Avatar

    Great instructions. My lens jammed at 17mm last week, had to wait a few days for a size 00 Philips to come in the post but fixed my lens tonight. All went well and the lens is better now than before, as the zoom was always a bit wobbly (the lens was second hand). You also need a pair of small electronics type pliars to handle the ribbon cables, but I had those already.

  110. Nebojsa Avatar

    Thanks a lot for such a great article. My lens is fully operational again. Also, these instructions saved me £100. Thanks again!

  111. Fourdot00 Avatar

    I felt obligated to leave a comment because this article saved me a bunch of money in repairs. I did exactly as instructed and everything went smoothly. I tightened the loose screw and put everything back together.
    When I slapped it on the camera body I found the AF wasn’t working. After reading the comments and seeing many people had this same problem I saw Anders’ comment. After following his instructions, everything ended up working like it should!

    Thanks t and Anders for saving me!

  112. Niel Avatar

    Awesome. Thanks all. I postponed this for almost a month, but finally took the time to sit down and do this today. Open then lens in 30 minutes only to find the one troublesome screw missing. Very upset I assembled it again and then when I stood up the missing screw fell of my lap (it was so loose that it fell out without me noticing. Anyway, second time round was much faster and now my lens is perfect again!

  113. Don Avatar

    Thanks, the instructions are great! Didn’t have all the tools I would have liked, so some of the reassembly was a bit touchy, especially the cables. Anyway, the problem was as described and it’s back together and working!!

  114. bill carlson Avatar

    Hi Travis & all the other contributors.(thanks for the info & photos)
    I had the same problem (telephoto stuck at 17mm)…After looking at all the photos and reading all the posts I could find I was successful at fixing the problem( a screw had come out entirely as was suggested by Travis & others) A couple of things I did to aid in reassembly was to tag screw holes with a tiny pieces of masking tape…After inadvertlingy removing the plastic focus barrel I used masking tape to hold it together so I wouldn’t have it come apart again while I was dissasembling more pieces…( the tape also helped from stopping the small screws from falling inside the barrel when reassembling…The problem screw was glued in place with a permatex tread locker(purple coded model)…Take as many macro photos as you can to help in positioning parts when reassembling and read all the posts from contributors especially the do’s and don’ts as suggested by Tavis…Take your time and be persistent and you can do it…Thanks again to everyone who contributed…The internet community is a wonderful resource of knowledge
    Bill Carlson

  115. Norm S Avatar
    Norm S

    Great detailed information for repairing this issue. I too had the focus assembly issue.

    After reviewing and following Anders additions I managed to get the Auto Focus working but the Manual focus still doesn’t engage.

    Does anybody have a suggestion on how to resolve this issue? The focus ring moves freely and doesn’t engage with the lens.

  116. Dave Avatar

    jesus and I love you, man! after one hour of work, that thing is working again! thx a lot!

  117. Karsten Avatar

    Thany you very much for this wonderful description. My 17-85 is working again 🙂

  118. squirrelboy Avatar

    I thought I was having this same problem, but turns out the little black metal clamp thingie (removing it is going further than your tutorial) fell off and the two tiny screws that held it in place were SOMEWHERE in the lens. As I opened it all up, I found one screw & the clamp were stuck right between the side of the front lens and outer casing, and the other screw was harder to find, it was INSIDE the focussing unit, and I could barely see it through a tiny hole. It was stuck to a magnet in there, and thus the AF didn’t work any more.
    Well, I solved the problem and my lens just works FINE again! 🙂 🙂 Your description helped me a lot! But without the help of a youtube disassembly video I would’ve been lost with my problem. Anyways, to everyone who’s attempting to do this on their own, there are 4 basic rules to this:
    Yes that last one is important too! Cheap shit screw drivers will hurt your tiny tiny screws. And you don’t want to end up with a “rounded” screw that is still attached and will stay in place forever, do you? Once you damage a screw on the lens, you might never get it out. So be CAREFUL!
    Thanks very much again for this tutorial.
    PS: This is the video that took me further

  119. Litelvr Avatar

    When I put it all back together, some of the screw holes seem to be in a differrent position, and the screws don’t find anymore (7th picture from the top) and I can’t mount the outer plastic ring. Any ideas how this could have happened and how I can fix this?
    Thanks a lot!

  120. Jcook73 Avatar

    I have a 28=105mm 3.5-4.5 lens that had a zoom that would not go below about 40mm.
    Without this instruction I would not have attempted to fix myself.
    I also had trouble with the auto focus after reassembling.
    I should have taken pics, but I moved the focus ring to infinity and the mating part in the end of the lens (as you look down into it) all the way the the right.
    The trick is to have the lens retracted to 28mm and slide the focus ring into the lens so when you twist it to lock the cams in place the line indicating zoom will match the 28mm. When you start the line will be about 1cm the the left of 28mm on the lens.

    Hope this may help.


  121. Formula3pics Avatar

    Had exactly the same problem, zoom jammed. Read and used this (plus all the comments) as well as  video on utube and  and it worked!!!  Thank you so much

  122. Neville Avatar

    Thanks for a well constructed description – I am going to give it a shot.   :-))

  123. Formula3pics Avatar

    Update, mine is working fine but having tried manual focusing it doesn’t work. As Norm S says below The focus ring moves freely and doesn’t engage with the lens.
    Anybody have any thoughts/solutions?

    1. DanP Avatar

      You could try taking it apart again and when you can access the manual focus ring, take it off. Underneath I think there are two bits that move… the part that the manual focus ring sits on, and a little up from that, the part that actually moves the focus scale indicator (and I assume allows manual focussing). When I took mine apart, I noticed that in certain positions, the manual focus would move without affecting the scale. I was able to twist it a bit (can’t remember if it was clockwise or anticlockwise) and eventually, the focus scale indicator reengaged.

  124. Candido Dessanti Avatar
    Candido Dessanti

    if you are lucky, you can try this

    if the zoom is stuck between aound 60mm just remove the zoom grip you should have access to 2 of 3 screws that can be loose; just thight them and try if the zoom is working

    if the zoom is stuck at 17mm try this… point the objective to floor and gently move the zoom ring from left to right to try to reach 60mm…mine was stuck at 17mm but this has worked.

  125. Mats Larsson Avatar
    Mats Larsson

    Thank you!!! it was a really good instuction and now my zoom works again

  126. showmetheworld Avatar

    Thanks a Lot!!!!

  127. Maverick974 Avatar

    Thanks! I did it! I broke one of the four pins on the black ring in picture four, but it got assembled back successfully. Good tip on the nail polish on the culprit screw so i don’t have to do this again… Thanks again!

  128. DanP Avatar

    Thanks from me as well. One of the screws had come out completely on mine. Now it looks to be working perfectly. Saved me the repair bill.

  129. Klwiese Avatar

    Thanks so much.  One loose screw was doing it for me.  When the problem started, I could tilt the camera just so and reset the zoom.  Eventually it got to the point where not even that worked.  I was about to send my lens back to Canon when a quick search turned up this post. 45 minutes later, it’s good as new.  Plus it was interesting to take a lens apart.  Donation coming your way.

  130. Panoramio@EOS Avatar

    Great thanks, repair time 70 min.

  131. Glenncurley Avatar

    Thank you for your concise instructions.  However, I have noticed as some others have, that if the lens is just loose and not jammed, you can tighten the loose screws on the barrel by inserting a screw driver through the slots on the barrel underneath the zoom grip.  Hey-presto!

    1. Natuurfotowouter Avatar

      I almost cant tell how pleased i am with your message. Solved the problem in just 10 seconds!!! TANKS!!!!!

    2. Ryan Shawgo Avatar
      Ryan Shawgo

      Thanks for this post. Saved me a lot of time compared to the full breakdown posted here. Just to clarify, peel off the rubber from the zoom ring to expose the slots on the side of the lens. See photo attached.

  132. H Snoeks Avatar
    H Snoeks

    You’re such a great guy 🙂
    unfortunately, I did touch and slightly disassemble the focusing ring. Had to open it up all over again, broke another of the four plastic pins (that makes two), put the metal fork of the focusing ring into the plastic ‘thing’ in belongs in, reassembled all, and yes!, it works. No new lens for me… yet…

  133. […] the first occasion I got the familiar stuck/locked zoom, and this was repaired by myself. Read the comments left by all the other users who had exactly the same …. It doesn’t make sense that there are so many of […]

  134. Andreas B Avatar
    Andreas B

    I join in the chorus of praise! Thank you very much for the guide. Lens is back in working condition and I had no problems with AF or anything else afterwards.
    Thanks again!

  135. Nachdem mir am Wochenende beim 'Immerdrauf'-Objektiv ploetzlich das Zoomen… |

    […] Canon EFS 17-85mm IS stuck/locked zoom repair/disassembly | Blog of Travis h It seems like this is a common problem with these lenses, the zoom gets stuck at 17mm with about 2mm of play (zoom movement). This problem is all due to a loose […]

  136. SanderS Avatar

    Awesome, had to reassemble it because the focusing didn’t work at all but after getting the focusing pin right, it functioned just fine!

    1. Chelsea Mackenzie Devers Avatar
      Chelsea Mackenzie Devers

      Im having same problem how did u fix it?

  137. Riparare un ottica Canon 18-200mm e 17-85mm con zoom bloccato. « Electronics « Pasquale 'sid' Fiorillo

    […] il 17-85 troverete parecchie più informazioni, in ogni caso vi consiglio questa guida allo smontaggio di Travis […]

  138. nancy Avatar

    Any thought on a stripped screw I have one on my lens to get to where I need to be on the lens

    1. Travis h Avatar

      If the head is protruding try pliers. Else if you really can’t remove it perhaps drill it out as a last resort.

    2. Randolph Phillips Avatar
      Randolph Phillips

      Same problem now at the last stage taking off the last 3 screws, got 1 but the other 2 are buggered. Did you find a solution? Thanks

  139. Chelsea Mackenzie Devers Avatar
    Chelsea Mackenzie Devers

    How do i repair the focus after fixing the zoom issue?!

  140. popp Avatar

    This is truly amazing information. Thank you!!!

  141. […] If so, are there any detailed instructions on-line on how to do this? If have found this disassembly/repair post of someone with a stuck zoom ring. […]

  142. Samuel Rader Avatar
    Samuel Rader

    Well, just broke that lens. haha. Thanks anyway.

  143. DANBAT » Blog Archive » Reparación DIY de un lente

    […] la instrucciones de este sitio y solo tuve que volverlo a desarmar para corregir un problema con el autofoco. Con dos horas de […]

  144. Gert Jan ter Haar Avatar
    Gert Jan ter Haar

    Hi Travis,
    This is amazing, I dismantled the lens and rebuilt it and it WORKS!
    Thank you very much.
    Gert Jan

  145. Brian Avatar

    I just wanted to thank you for putting this up. I was quoted $300 to have this problem fixed or my other option was to buy a second hand replacement – about $250. This took me under two hours and the lens is as good as new!!
    Thanks again…

  146. meowwww Avatar

    I know this was posted years ago, but my 17-85mm stopped working and this guide has fixed it. I’ve never attempted fixing stuff myself, especially not a camera lense and while I was shitting myself for the entire time (especially when that bloody metal tube got lost somewhere INSIDE…), IT WORKS!

    Obviously ruined the focus (guess that happened when I was trying to get that tiny tube out again… duh) but Nige’s approach (thank you so much!) helped me fix it in another five minutes without having to take the whole thing apart again… which would’ve been a lot of fun as we all know now.

    Anyway, thank you and everyone else who’s contributed to this post over the last few years! This has saved me a lot of money I don’t even have right now. 🙂

  147. Tom Avatar

    Nice work Travis. Does somebody know where to fit the 3 clips which fall out of the barrel when removing the aperture and stabilizer assembly? See attached picture. The clips should go in the empty barrel and then aperture and stabilizer should be re-assembled, however the keep falling out, whatever I do.


    1. Constantine Grigorov Avatar
      Constantine Grigorov

      Hi Tom. Have the same problem and suprisingly cannot find the wayout, as if nobody else beside you (and me) had this very issue. Could you prompt the solution if you coped with the problem. Would be very much obliged.

  148. Mark Avatar

    Hi Travis
    I had exactly the same problem with my lens and just removed the rubber zoom ring. This gives internal access through the zoom groove/slot and the loose screw inside fell out. The slot is smaller than the screw head so you need to angle the screw back in with tweezers. When the screw is tightened apply big dollop of nail polish to head and side. Been fine since.
    It is really fiddly and requires a few attempts but seems safer than complete disassemble for the fainthearted.

  149. Bowdacious Bowz Avatar
    Bowdacious Bowz

    Please let me know how to disassemble 18 to 200. It may be similar to this till you get to remove ousode casing. There are no screws. Please email or fb me. Thsnks. Robin L Poling. [email protected]

  150. Alejandro CR Avatar
    Alejandro CR

    Hello! After putting the lens back together the auto and manual focus stopped working. If yours have the same issue try to check the focusing pin is in place, as recommended in the article. I took these pictures showing what the focusing pin is. The focus pin was out of place, so I disarmed the lens again, put the pin back between the two metal parts, and now the lens is working properly.

  151. Jason Hunter Avatar
    Jason Hunter

    Thank you for this step by step! very helpful, fixed my lens perfectly. only thing that may need adjustment is after removing the PCB, the plastic piece actually has 8 screws, you have only circled 7 in red/blue. Wasn’t hard to spot this difference though. Thanks again!

  152. Roger Avatar

    Thanks for this! Interesting to actually open the lens myself and fix the problem!! – However, I think I got another problem:
    – my autofocus is not working correctly anymore. And yes, I am quite sure I touched / moved the focussing ring when I assembled the lens. Wondering what has happened … 😉 I could take the lens apart again, but don’t know what I should do differently to fix the focus.

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