Longest Common Subsequence implemented in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

From Wikipedia, The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is to find the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences (often just two).

The following is a VBA implementation of this problem. The following functions are included;

String functions;

  • longestCommonSubsequence – calculate an LCS array.
  • backTraceUp and backTraceLeft – trace back either defaulting up or left respectively, and find the LCS.
  • getDiff – returns the difference of the two strings. The succeeding character of =, – or + indicated if the character was equal, removed or added, respectively.
  • passGetDiffOutput – passes the output of getDiff so that =, – or + are now values in a 2 x n array, with indix 0 being equal, indix 1 being removed and indix 2 being added.

Array functions;

  • longestCommonSubsequenceArr – calculate an LCS array.
  • backTraceUpArr – trace back defaulting up and find the LCS.
  • getDiffArr – returns the difference of the two arrays as a 2 x n array, with indix 0 being equal, indix 1 being removed and indix 2 being added.

Common functions;

  • max – standard maximum function.
  • stringToArray – convert a string to an array for array functions.


  • exampleString
  • exampleArr

Download the Basic (bas) File

Unfortunately, the limitations of VBA makes a dog’s dinner out of what would be some very concise code or, perhaps that’s just my implementation…

Option Explicit

Public Function longestCommonSubsequence(ByRef string1 As String, ByRef string2 As String) As Long()
    If string1 = vbNullString Or string2 = vbNullString Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim num() As Long
    'define the array, note rows of zeros get added to front automatically
    ReDim num(Len(string1), Len(string2))
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(string1)
        For j = 1 To Len(string2)
            If Mid$(string1, i, 1) = Mid$(string2, j, 1) Then
                num(i, j) = num(i - 1, j - 1) + 1
                num(i, j) = max(num(i - 1, j), num(i, j - 1))
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

    longestCommonSubsequence = num
End Function

Sub exampleString()

    Dim arr() As Long
    Dim string1 As String
    Dim string2 As String
    string1 = "this is a find the haystack string"
    string2 = "this is a replace the needle string"
    arr = longestCommonSubsequence(string1, string2)
    Dim s As String, t As String
    s = backTraceUp(arr, string1, string2, Len(string1), Len(string2))
    t = backTraceLeft(arr, string1, string2, Len(string1), Len(string2))
    Dim a As String, b As String
    a = getDiff(arr, string1, string2, Len(string1), Len(string2))
    Dim brr() As Long
    brr = passGetDiffOutput(a)
End Sub

Public Function max(ByRef a As Long, ByRef b As Long) As Long
    If a >= b Then
        max = a
        max = b
    End If
End Function

'back traces c, defaulting in the up direction
Public Function backTraceUp(ByRef c() As Long, ByRef string1 As String, ByRef string2 As String, ByRef i As Long, ByRef j As Long) As String
    If i < 1 Or j < 1 Then
        backTraceUp = vbNullString
    ElseIf Mid$(string1, i, 1) = Mid$(string2, j, 1) Then
        'equal characters, save it and then go up and left
        backTraceUp = backTraceUp(c, string1, string2, i - 1, j - 1) & Mid$(string1, i, 1)
        'go in the direction of the highest number, defaulting to up
        If (c(i, j - 1) > c(i - 1, j)) Then
            backTraceUp = backTraceUp(c, string1, string2, i, j - 1)
            backTraceUp = backTraceUp(c, string1, string2, i - 1, j)
        End If
    End If
End Function

'back traces c, defaulting in the left direction
Public Function backTraceLeft(ByRef c() As Long, ByRef string1 As String, ByRef string2 As String, ByRef i As Long, ByRef j As Long) As String
    If i < 1 Or j < 1 Then
        backTraceLeft = vbNullString
    ElseIf Mid$(string1, i, 1) = Mid$(string2, j, 1) Then
        'equal characters, save it and then go up and left
        backTraceLeft = backTraceLeft(c, string1, string2, i - 1, j - 1) & Mid$(string1, i, 1)
        'go in the direction of the highest number, defaulting to left
        If (c(i, j - 1) >= c(i - 1, j)) Then
            backTraceLeft = backTraceLeft(c, string1, string2, i, j - 1)
            backTraceLeft = backTraceLeft(c, string1, string2, i - 1, j)
        End If
    End If
End Function

'the following function returns a string with indication to what was deleted or added
'proceding character can be;
' = no change
' - deletion
' + addition
Public Function getDiff(ByRef c() As Long, ByRef stringOld As String, ByRef stringNew As String, ByRef i As Long, ByRef j As Long) As String
    If i > 0 Then
        If j > 0 Then 'both are greater than zero
            'can only do the following comparison when i and j are greater than zero
            If Mid$(stringOld, i, 1) = Mid$(stringNew, j, 1) Then
                getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i - 1, j - 1) & Mid$(stringOld, i, 1) & "="
                If i = 0 Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i, j - 1) & Mid$(stringNew, j, 1) & "+"
                ElseIf c(i, j - 1) >= c(i - 1, j) Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i, j - 1) & Mid$(stringNew, j, 1) & "+"
                ElseIf j = 0 Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i - 1, j) & Mid$(stringOld, i, 1) & "-"
                ElseIf c(i, j - 1) < c(i - 1, j) Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i - 1, j) & Mid$(stringOld, i, 1) & "-"
                    getDiff = vbNullString
                End If
            End If
        Else 'i is is greater than zero
                If j = 0 Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i - 1, j) & Mid$(stringOld, i, 1) & "-"
                ElseIf c(i, j - 1) < c(i - 1, j) Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i - 1, j) & Mid$(stringOld, i, 1) & "-"
                    getDiff = vbNullString
                End If
        End If
        If j > 0 Then 'j is  greater than zero
                If i = 0 Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i, j - 1) & Mid$(stringNew, j, 1) & "+"
                ElseIf c(i, j - 1) >= c(i - 1, j) Then
                    getDiff = getDiff(c, stringOld, stringNew, i, j - 1) & Mid$(stringNew, j, 1) & "+"
                    getDiff = vbNullString
                End If
        Else 'none are greater than zero
                getDiff = vbNullString
        End If
    End If
End Function

'this function returns the location of the string difference
Public Function passGetDiffOutput(ByRef outputStr As String) As Long()
    Dim i As Long
    i = 1
    Dim typeChr As String
    Dim oldi As Long
    Dim newi As Long
    oldi = 0
    newi = 0
    Dim toFrom() As Long
    Dim toFromCount As Long
    toFromCount = -1
    Dim typeChrPrev As String
    typeChrPrev = vbNullString
    Do While i < Len(outputStr)
        typeChr = Mid$(outputStr, i + 1, 1)
        Select Case typeChr
            Case "="
                If typeChr <> typeChrPrev Then
                    'check if it is comming from a deletion
                    If typeChrPrev = "-" Then
                        toFrom(2, toFromCount) = oldi
                    End If
                    'check if it is comming from a addition
                    If typeChrPrev = "+" Then
                        toFrom(2, toFromCount) = newi
                    End If
                End If
                oldi = oldi + 1 'update old index
                newi = newi + 1 'update new index
            Case "-"
                'check if it is comming from a addition
                If typeChrPrev = "+" Then
                    toFrom(2, toFromCount) = newi
                End If
                oldi = oldi + 1 'update old index
                If typeChr <> typeChrPrev Then
                    toFromCount = toFromCount + 1
                    ReDim Preserve toFrom(2, toFromCount)
                    'let old be -1
                    toFrom(0, toFromCount) = -1
                    toFrom(1, toFromCount) = oldi
                End If
            Case "+"
                'check if it is comming from a deletion
                If typeChrPrev = "-" Then
                    toFrom(2, toFromCount) = oldi
                End If
                newi = newi + 1 'update new index
                If typeChr <> typeChrPrev Then
                    toFromCount = toFromCount + 1
                    ReDim Preserve toFrom(2, toFromCount)
                    'let new be 1
                    toFrom(0, toFromCount) = 1
                    toFrom(1, toFromCount) = newi
                End If
        End Select
        i = i + 2
        typeChrPrev = typeChr
    'check if it ended on a deletion or adition
    If typeChrPrev = "-" Then
        toFrom(2, toFromCount) = oldi
    End If
    If typeChrPrev = "+" Then
        toFrom(2, toFromCount) = newi
    End If
    passGetDiffOutput = toFrom
End Function

'note, arrays must be single dimension
Public Function longestCommonSubsequenceArr(ByRef array1() As String, ByRef array2() As String) As Long()
    On Error Resume Next
    If UBound(array1, 2) > 0 Or UBound(array2, 2) > 0 Then 'multidimensional arrays
        If Error = vbNullString Then
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    If UBound(array1) < 0 Or UBound(array2) < 0 Then 'check if arrays are bounded
        If Error <> vbNullString Then
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If

    Dim num() As Long
    'define the array, note rows of zeros get added to front automatically
    ReDim num(UBound(array1) + 1, UBound(array2) + 1)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    'note, arrays must always start at indice zero.
    For i = 0 To UBound(array1)
        For j = 0 To UBound(array2)
            If array1(i) = array2(j) Then
                num(i + 1, j + 1) = num(i, j) + 1
                num(i + 1, j + 1) = max(num(i, j + 1), num(i + 1, j))
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

    longestCommonSubsequenceArr = num
End Function

Public Function stringToArray(ByRef str As String) As String()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim arr() As String
    ReDim arr(Len(str) - 1)
    For i = 1 To Len(str)
        arr(i - 1) = Mid$(str, i, 1)
    Next i
    stringToArray = arr
End Function

Sub exampleArr()

    Dim string1 As String
    Dim string2 As String
    string1 = "this is a find the haystack string"
    string2 = "this is a replace the needle string"

    Dim a1() As String
    Dim a2() As String
    a1 = stringToArray(string1)
    a2 = stringToArray(string2)
    Dim c() As Long
    c = longestCommonSubsequenceArr(a1, a2)
    Dim str() As String
    str = backTraceUpArr(c, a1, a2, UBound(a1), UBound(a2))
    Dim dif() As String
    dif = getDiffArr(c, a1, a2, UBound(a1), UBound(a2))

End Sub

'back traces c, defaulting in the up direction
Public Function backTraceUpArr(ByRef c() As Long, ByRef array1() As String, ByRef array2() As String, ByRef i As Long, ByRef j As Long) As String()
    Dim arr() As String
    If i < 0 Or j < 0 Then
        backTraceUpArr = arr
    ElseIf array1(i) = array2(j) Then
        'equal characters, save it and then go up and left
        arr = backTraceUpArr(c, array1, array2, i - 1, j - 1)
        'check the bounding of arr
        Dim bound As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        bound = UBound(arr)
        If Error <> vbNullString Then
            ReDim arr(0)
            arr(0) = array1(i)
        Else 'no error
            ReDim Preserve arr(bound + 1)
            arr(bound + 1) = array1(i)
        End If
        backTraceUpArr = arr
        'go in the direction of the highest number, defaulting to up
        If (c(i + 1, j) > c(i, j + 1)) Then
            backTraceUpArr = backTraceUpArr(c, array1, array2, i, j - 1)
            backTraceUpArr = backTraceUpArr(c, array1, array2, i - 1, j)
        End If
    End If
End Function

'returns a 2xn array, where
'indice 0 are equal
'indice 1 are deletions
'indice 2 are additions
Public Function getDiffArr(ByRef c() As Long, ByRef arrayOld() As String, ByRef arrayNew() As String, ByRef i As Long, ByRef j As Long) As String()
    Dim arr() As String
    Dim bound As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    If i >= 0 Then
        If j >= 0 Then 'both are greater or equal to zero
            'can only do the following comparison when i and j are greater or equal than zero
            If arrayOld(i) = arrayNew(j) Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i - 1, j - 1)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(0, 0) = arrayOld(i)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(0, bound + 1) = arrayOld(i)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                If i = 0 Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i, j - 1)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(2, 0) = arrayNew(j)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(2, bound + 1) = arrayNew(j)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                ElseIf c(i + 1, j - 1 + 1) >= c(i - 1 + 1, j + 1) Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i, j - 1)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(2, 0) = arrayNew(j)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(2, bound + 1) = arrayNew(j)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                ElseIf j = 0 Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i - 1, j)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(1, 0) = arrayOld(i)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(1, bound + 1) = arrayOld(i)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                ElseIf c(i + 1, j - 1 + 1) < c(i - 1 + 1, j + 1) Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i - 1, j)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(1, 0) = arrayOld(i)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(1, bound + 1) = arrayOld(i)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                    getDiffArr = arr
                End If
            End If
        Else 'i is is greater or equal to zero
                If j = 0 Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i - 1, j)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(1, 0) = arrayOld(i)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(1, bound + 1) = arrayOld(i)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                ElseIf c(i + 1, j - 1 + 1) < c(i - 1 + 1, j + 1) Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i - 1, j)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(1, 0) = arrayOld(i)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(1, bound + 1) = arrayOld(i)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                    getDiffArr = arr
                End If
        End If
        If j >= 0 Then 'j is  greater than zero
                If i = 0 Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i - 1, j)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(2, 0) = arrayNew(j)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(2, bound + 1) = arrayNew(j)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                ElseIf c(i + 1, j - 1 + 1) >= c(i - 1 + 1, j + 1) Then
                    arr = getDiffArr(c, arrayOld, arrayNew, i, j - 1)
                    bound = UBound(arr, 2) 'check the bounding of arr
                    If Error <> vbNullString Then
                        ReDim arr(2, 0)
                        arr(2, 0) = arrayNew(j)
                    Else 'no error
                        ReDim Preserve arr(2, bound + 1)
                        arr(2, bound + 1) = arrayNew(j)
                    End If
                    getDiffArr = arr
                    getDiffArr = arr
                End If
        Else 'none are greater than zero
                getDiffArr = arr
        End If
    End If
End Function






12 responses to “Longest Common Subsequence implemented in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)”

  1. Nozzgolef Avatar

    Good job my friend, it help me a lot

  2. Nozzgolef Avatar

    🙁 StackOverflow

  3. […] implementation of the LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) algorithm written for VBA: you can find it here (for what I see a very neat job by Travis h). I looked at the strings function only, even […]

  4. andrea Avatar

    Hello, I would like to talk to you about the code. Is there anyway I could contact you directly (email perhaps?).

  5. […] already done some of the hard work, in writing some of the required functions. Travis h has a blog, which is certainly worth a read, and his blog helped getting me started on this project. With his […]

  6. my Name is ammu Avatar
    my Name is ammu

    can any one tell me how to use this,,,,
    I have text in A1 and A2

  7. Neomal De Silva Avatar
    Neomal De Silva

    Hi Travis, Thank you for this amazing code. Could you please assist me with this question regarding the [getDiff] output.

    If String 1 = “Transactions processed”

    and String 2 = “Transactions processed today”

    The output comes as this; T=r=a=n=s=a=c=t=i=o=n=s= =p=r=o=c=e=s=s=e=d+ +t+o+d=a+y+

    Any idea how to make the output to look like this;
    T=r=a=n=s=a=c=t=i=o=n=s= =p=r=o=c=e=s=s=e=d= +t+o+d+a+y+

    The actual change is where the word ‘today’ is the addition. However in the output, the letter ‘d’ of the word ‘today’ is identified as a match and the letter ‘d’ of the word processed is identified as an addition.

    Can you please let me know if any fix for this.

    Sorry to trouble you …

    1. Neomal De Silva Avatar
      Neomal De Silva

      I tried to fix the issue partially by checking if there is a common string at the beginning. But the issue still exists when the variables are passed through [getDiff] function.

      This is what i tried to do with sub [exampleString];

      Sub exampleString()

      Dim arr() As Long

      Dim string1 As String
      Dim string2 As String

      Dim commonstring As String
      Dim i as Long

      string1 = “Transaction processed today”
      string2 = “Transaction processed”

      ‘Set default value
      commonstring = “”

      ‘Loop until the length of the shortest string
      For i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Len(string1), Len(string2))
      ‘Check from L-R if each character match
      If Mid(string1, i, 1) Mid(string2, i, 1) Then
      ”’No match
      commonstring = Left(string1, i – 1) ‘Store common string

      string1 = Right(string1, Len(string1) – i + 1) ‘Redefine remaining string1
      string2 = Right(string2, Len(string2) – i + 1) ‘Redefine remaining string2

      Exit For ‘Exit Loop
      End If

      ‘If ‘commonstring = default value’ the shortest string is common to the other string
      If commonstring = “” And Len(string1) < Len(string2) Then
      'Define shortest string as the commonstring
      commonstring = string1

      'Redefine string1 & string2
      string2 = Right(string2, Len(string2) – Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Len(string1), Len(string2)))
      string1 = ""

      ElseIf commonstring = "" And Len(string2) < Len(string1) Then

      'Define shortest string as the commonstring
      commonstring = string2

      'Redefine string1 & string2
      string1 = Right(string1, Len(string1) – Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Len(string1), Len(string2)))
      string2 = ""
      End If

      'Add '=' sign for the commonstring
      If commonstring “” Then
      For i = 1 To Len(commonstring)
      commonstring = Left(commonstring, i * 2 – 1) & “=” & Right(commonstring, Len(commonstring) – Len(Left(commonstring, i * 2 – 1)))
      End If

      arr = longestCommonSubsequence(string1, string2)

      Dim s As String, t As String
      s = backTraceUp(arr, string1, string2, Len(string1), Len(string2))
      t = backTraceLeft(arr, string1, string2, Len(string1), Len(string2))
      Dim a As String, b As String
      a = getDiff(arr, string1, string2, Len(string1), Len(string2))

      ‘Add common string to output
      If commonstring “” Then
      a = commonstring & a
      End If

      =======================================Rest of the code==========================

      Is there a more faster and better way to resolved this issue at the function itself?

  8. Mark Smart Avatar
    Mark Smart

    Hi! Thanks for create a blog about this code. This is really very useful. One question I have is, how can I throw in an array of strings (thousand of strings) instead of only two strings? Also can we implement this in a contiguous manner? Finding the Longest Common Substring rather than Subsequence. Thanks in advance!

  9. Dr. Harmai Gábor Tamás Avatar
    Dr. Harmai Gábor Tamás

    Many thanks, this is a very useful job for me!

  10. Dr. Harmai Gábor Tamás Avatar
    Dr. Harmai Gábor Tamás

    Neomal De Silva:
    You need a compare between words. You can use this algorithm, but firstly you need to change your words to for you not used characters.

    If String 1 = “Transactions processed”
    and String 2 = “Transactions processed today”

    1. You need this vocabulary:
    processed > ↕ (unicode 8597)
    today > ↖ (unicode 8598)
    transactions > ↗ (unicode 8599)

    2. After it to translate your strings

    Transactions processed > ↗↕
    Transactions processed today > ↗↕ ↖

    3. function longestCommonSubsequence for this strings

    longestCommonSubsequence(“↗↕”,↗↕ ↖)=”↗=↕= ↖+”

    4. retranslate the ↗=↕= ↖+ string with the vocabulary

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