Decimal to Binary functions in Visual Basic

Here are functions to perform decimal to/from binary conversion.

  • CBin – converts a decimal integer to binary string.
  • CDeci – converts a binary string to decimal integer.
  • CBinS16 – converts a decimal signed integer to 16 bit binary string.
  • CdecS16 – converts a 16 bit binary string to decimal signed integer.
'converts an integer to binary string
Function CBin(ByVal n As Double) As String
    If n = 0 Then
        CBin = 0
    ElseIf n > 0 Then
        Dim i As Double
        Dim c As Long
        i = 2 ^ CLng(Log(n) / Log(2) + 0.1)
        Do While i >= 1
            c = Fix(n / i)
            CBin = CBin & c
            n = n - i * c
            i = i / 2
    End If
End Function

'converts an integer to binary string, problems for n=64
Function CBinOld(ByVal n As Double) As String
    On Error Resume Next 'caters for 0 values
    Dim i As Double
    i = 2 ^ Int(Log(n) / Log(2))
    Do While i >= 1
        CBinOld = CBinOld & Fix(n / i)
        n = n - i * Fix(n / i)
        i = i / 2
End Function

'converts a binary string to integer
Function CDeci(ByRef s As String) As Double
    Dim i As Long
    CDeci = 0
    For i = 0 To Len(s) - 1
        CDeci = CDeci + (Mid$(s, Len(s) - i, 1) * 2 ^ i)
    Next i
End Function

'converts an integer to 16 bit signed binary string
Function CBinS16(ByVal n As Double) As String
    Dim i As Double

    CBinS16 = vbNullString
    If n < -2 ^ 15 Then
        CBinS16 = "0"
        n = n + 2 ^ 16
        i = 2 ^ 14
    ElseIf n < 0 Then
        CBinS16 = "1"
        n = n + 2 ^ 15
        i = 2 ^ 14
    Else 'not negative
        i = 2 ^ 15
    End If

    Do While i >= 1
        CBinS16 = CBinS16 & Fix(n / i)
        n = n - i * Fix(n / i)
        i = i / 2
End Function

'converts 16 bit signed binary string to integer
Function CDecS16(ByRef s As String) As Double
    Dim i As Long
    CDecS16 = 0
    For i = 0 To Len(s) - 1
        CDecS16 = CDecS16 + (Mid$(s, Len(s) - i, 1) * 2 ^ i)
    Next i
    If CDecS16 >= 2 ^ 15 Then 'negative number
        CDecS16 = CDecS16 - 2 ^ 16
    End If
End Function






3 responses to “Decimal to Binary functions in Visual Basic”

  1. ch1n Avatar

    CBin (64) is wrong…

    1. Travis h Avatar

      thanks, modified it slightly

  2. Jerico Avatar

    Hi guys my boss wants me to program a conversion of decimal to binary in vb 6.0 without using a loop, How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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