Slimbox2 Slideshow – WordPress plugin to add image lightbox and slideshow

Slimbox2 Slideshow is a WordPress plugin that implements a lightbox style affect to images using Slimbox2.


The main advantage of Slimbox2 Slideshow plugin is being able to show a slide show of ALL images in every single post.
Click here to see it in action (notice the slide count).

Additional functionality;

  • automatically add rel=lightbox’ tags to images.
  • automatically re-size images to fit in browser window.
  • based on jQuery library, no need for additional libraries such as or Prototype.

Slide show of all blog images (click me) – notice the slide count.

Standard images, showing grouping.
Emirates Palace at nightEmirates Palace entrance gatexxxxxx with mangroves in the background

Image Map – yes it works
Test Images

1024x768 768x1024 800x600 600x800 640x480 480x640 320x240 240x320


  1. Upload folder ‘t-slimbox2-slideshow’ to the  ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Under ‘Plugins’ > ‘Slimbox2 Slideshow’, you will find the ‘Slimbox2 Slideshow Options’ page. Next section will explain the options.


The following configuration settings are available with meaning;

  • Automatic Image Link Tagging – automatically add the HTML to image links to show images in a lightbox. Leave it at default ticked.
  • Automatic Resize – automatically resize images in the lightbox to fit the browser window. Large images will be shrunk and small images will be expanded.
  • Image Scaling Factor – used to determine how much of the browser window an image will be automatically resized to. The default value of 0.75 means the image will be scaled to 75% of the browser window. This value does not take into account border and caption.
  • Enable Slimbox on Image Maps – enable lightbox affect to be enabled for Image Maps.
  • Enable Slideshow on All – when ticked, all images and Image Maps will start in slideshow.
  • Slide Time – the seconds between images during a slideshow.

Slide show of all blog images

Simply create a link with url “#slide” or just “#s”. For images to appear in the slideshow, they must have a title attribute.

Why was Slimbox2 Slideshow created?

My wife and I were in a situation wanting  to show our photos to our friends, we had Lightbox but every photo needed to be ‘Next’ manually and that would only show photos in a single post. Slimbox2 Slideshow allows for one-click to start a slideshow of all your photos and sit back and enjoy.


Download Slimbox2 Slideshow from the WordPress Repository here






10 responses to “Slimbox2 Slideshow – WordPress plugin to add image lightbox and slideshow”

  1. Anne Avatar

    Hey, I’m wondering why my images in the lightbox popup show big gray spots, shown here:

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      Try the updated Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1

  2. Anne Avatar

    I just updated, no spots. Thanks!

  3. ana mendez Avatar
    ana mendez

    Hello, slimbox2 is not working in my new wordpress
    but it is working on another: http://www.antoniomazzei,com

    i did the same thing on increiiiblebut it is not showing my images lilke slimbox2

    i dont know that to do 🙁

    1. MECTILE Avatar


      I have had a quick look at your gallery page

      You need to enable the “Link thumbnails to: Image File” option on the gallery.
      Give that a try and let me know.


  4. hendrixl Avatar

    Hi, just uploaded your plugin and love it!  is it possible to have categories of slideshows?  see my website  On the home page “see our work” section ther are 3 images, one for floors, one for baths and one for showers. I’d like to have a different popup slideshow for each of these.  Is that possible?

    1. Travis h Avatar

      hendrixl, unfortunately, not really with Slimbox2-Slideshow, you can but you will need to do some custom additional JavaScript.

      1. hendrixl Avatar

        Hi Travis, thanks for getting back to me.  I can do a bit of programming, would it be possible to give me the code for that?  I see that you have done this on your blog page and is exactly what I need.

        1. Travis h Avatar

          hendrixl, hopefully the code below isn’t obfuscated, you will need to do some custom JavaScript as follows;

          $.slimbox(images, 0, {slideInterval: slide_time, scaler: tss_scaling, loop: true});

          images; is an array of your images you want in a slideshow, similar to;

          [[“image1.jpg”, “desc1”], [“image2.jpg”, “descr”]]

          slide_time; is the time in seconds you wish each slide to show for.
          tss_scaling; is 0.75 or the scaler to fit images into the window.

  5. motown Avatar

    Hi – I have several image sets on one page. Unfortunately the different image sets run together in one big slide show. How can I set the sets to run independently?

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