Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1 – support for WordPress Gallerys

Slimbox2 Slideshow has been updated to automatically at the rel=’lightbox’ tags to WordPress Gallerys.

Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory

Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page, and

to enable “Automatic Gallery Image Link Tagging” on the Slimbox2 Slideshow Options page.





10 responses to “Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1 – support for WordPress Gallerys”

  1. Todd Avatar

    Hi… I was wondering if there was a way to show the image description in the lightbox. Thanks!!

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      At the moment it looks at the title attribute, but I guess you are requesting it to look at the alt attribute.
      Can you please send a example link to make sure, I may be able to incorporate it into a future release.

  2. Brian Avatar

    Yeah i have the same problem, works fine, except that it only displays the 1 of X
    I filled out the title, alt, and caption to see if it was just missing something but still no luck. It just isnt populating the caption or title field in the code

    (from the html displayed on the page)

    Image 2 of 8

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      Brian, can you link to an example.

  3. Dimitris Tzortzis Avatar
    Dimitris Tzortzis

    I like your plugin! 🙂
    I was wondering, is there any way to show the full image file? For example if you want to save it…

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      Dimitris, what you see is the full image file, to save it right click “Save Image As…”

  4. Brian Avatar

    Sorry about the delay, i was out of town. Anyways here is a quick example of where it isnt showing the caption, title or anything other than the number of the image:

    Just used the words for what each of the sections were aka caption is labeled “caption” and so forth.

  5. Brian Avatar

    Sorry posted the wrong link, it should be sorry.

  6. MECTILE Avatar

    Thanks, I see the problem, I will look at it over the weekend and workout some solution and get back to you.

  7. MECTILE Avatar

    Brian, Todd,

    Upgrade to Slimbox2 Slideshow version 1.2, it will now show the WordPress gallery caption as the lightbox caption.


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