Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.2 – support for WordPress Gallery Captions

Slimbox2-Slideshow version 1.2, a WordPress plugin is released, now supports displaying WordPress Gallery Captions in the lightbox.

Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory

Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page.






22 responses to “Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.2 – support for WordPress Gallery Captions”

  1. mani Avatar

    Dear Travis,

    I really like your plugin, I have been searching for something like this for a long time. I have installed it an everything is working fine, but I keep getting error-messages when uploading pictures, changing media-settings, saving posts or whatever. The messages are always the same:

    Warning: DOMDocument::save(/www/htdocs/w009f255/miekekroeger/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/slimbox-2-slideshow/images.xml) []: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /www/htdocs/w009f255/miekekroeger/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/slimbox-2-slideshow/t-slimbox2-slideshow.php on line 100

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w009f255/miekekroeger/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/slimbox-2-slideshow/t-slimbox2-slideshow.php:100) in /www/htdocs/w009f255/miekekroeger/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866

    Do you have an idea how I can fix this?

    Kind regards
    Mani Wollner

    1. MECTILE Avatar


      Thanks for the report, I will investigate it within the next few days and get back to you.


  2. mani Avatar

    Maybe you need some more information?
    WP 3.3, Theme: Shiword 2.08, the problem also appears with no other plugin active.

    In my first post i wrote that everything is working fine – meanwhile I know that some visitors only see the error-messages on a blank screen.

    Thank you!

  3. MECTILE Avatar

    mani, as a start can you please set permissions of 755 to the ‘slimbox-2-slideshow’ plugin folder; refer to here for details how to;

  4. gpkvt Avatar


    thanks for your Plugin. I’ve noticed that the image resize always happens, even if the image would fit to the screen. On very small images this could look quite ugly (IMHO) when you have a very high screen resolution (2560×1440 in my case).

    So I’ve added some code to tss.js:

    function animateBox() {
    center.className = “”;

    // resize only if image wouldn’t fit to current browser-window size
    if ($(window).width() < preload.width || $(window).height() < preload.height) {
    tss_auto = 1;
    } else {
    tss_auto = 0;
    $(slide).attr({src: activeURL});
    $(image).css({visibility: "hidden", display: ""});

    if (tss_auto) {
    var c = options.scaler * Math.min($(window).width() / preload.width, $(window).height() / preload.height); //added

    Might be not the most elegant solution, but it works fine (for me at least). Maybe you could add it as an option.

    Happy new year,

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      gpkvt, thanks for that. I have thought about it. I will try to make it an option in the next release.

  5. cdr Avatar

    You say “Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page” . Where is this WordPress Gallery settings page? I have wordpress 2.9.1 and i can’t find such page.

    1. Travis h Avatar

      cdr, I only know of showing it in the post with the WordPress Gallery.
      You will see a light-blue gallery box in the post contents, when you click your mouse over it you will see two icons in the top-left corner.
      One of the boxes is “Edit Gallery”, click that and you have the “Link thumbnails to” option.

  6. DEEPAK SINGH Avatar

    First of all..Thanks a lot for making this great plugin.

    My Problem is that I want only the First Image of the gallery to show on the Page. Users Should only be able to see the other Images of the gallery after the ‘Slide time’ is elapsed.
    See the image attached below..all the image are displayed one below the other..instead of this . I want them to display one after the other after the ‘Slide time’ allotted.
    Example – The Image ‘Avoid’ should appear after 10 seconds of the word ‘Afraid’. and so on..Not all images should be displayed at once.i.e I want the gallery to look like the original slideshow presentations.

    1. Travis h Avatar

      Deepak, interesting requirement.

      This plugin will not show inline images as a slideshow, you will need to use some custom JavaScript for that. But it will allow for a slideshow of images in a lightbox, what you could do is place the subsequent images in a div and hide the div, then once the first image is clicked the others will appear after.

      Alternatively, the Slimbox2 API allows you to pass an array of images, so you can do this with JavaScript.

      1. DEEPAK SINGH Avatar

        Thanks for replying. 

        I’m not good at Coding. SO could you please tell me exact codes for implementing it and where to put those codes at.

  7. Jer Avatar


    When I translate the file slimbox-2-slideshow/tss.js through the plugin editor, it doesnt show translated in my browser. 

    I use Google Chrome and IE. both cleaned cookies and CTRL_F5. 

    In the plugin editor I see the file translated, but not on the website. 

    Also de(re)activated the plugin and delete and reupload with edited files.

    Great great plugin btw! just this little tiny stupid thing 🙂


    1. Travis h Avatar

      Hi Jer,

      You need to minify the tss, or simply call is tss.min.js

      that’s what the plugin uses.

      Hope that helps

  8. Dietrich Avatar

    Thank you for this plugin. But I am afraid I cannot use it because as caption is always used the title of the embedding a-tag which I cannot change. I want to use title or description of the image. How to conince your plugin to use one of them.
    Thank you

  9. johnatyandoit Avatar

    Great plugin. The only thing I wish for is a pause button and pause key. At present I am setting slide time to 0 and using manual advance, but would prefer an automatic slideshow that can be paused with a button or the space bar.

  10. even Avatar

    hi, thank you for your great plugin. but sometimes, it can not work correctly. My current problem was when users click some picture, it opened larger but it was in full screen dark. i don’t know how to fix it?

    1. Travis h Avatar

      Even, can you please send a page with an example of the problem.

      1. Joeri Spoor Avatar
        Joeri Spoor

        I have the same problem at, how can I fix it? Thanks!

  11. Joeri Spoor Avatar
    Joeri Spoor

    Hi Travis,

    Great plugin, but since some time when I open an image the full screen is dark. How can I fix this? Webpage is . Can you help me?

    1. Travis h Avatar

      Hi Joeri

      I am not sure why this is happening.

      One thing you can try is in the php plugin file, modify the jquery line to point to


      1. Joeri Spoor Avatar
        Joeri Spoor

        Hmm, that one is not working, any other options maybe?

  12. SHC Avatar


    I like your plugin very much but I have one problem: The (old) JQuery
    library of Google CDN causes some problems with other plugins. (Lightbox is not shown, just the picture). Is there
    any chance to change it into the build-in-version of WordPress
    (currently v1.8.3) ? This would help a lot!

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