Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – Tenant leaves

Having recently received my bond and completed my transactions with LJ Hooker Belmont WA, I thought I would share my last agent property manager facts.

On 24th January 2013, my LJ Hooker Belmont WA Property Manger informs me that the tenant “has admitted that he cannot pay the rent”, owes $1850 in unpaid rent and a large amount of damages to the property.

On 31st January 2013, the keys are returned and the next day the property manager and I visit the property for the first time since vacated.

The place was in a mess, but what surprised me the most was the damage to my property that was never reported in any off the LJ Hooker property inspection reports. I could only assume they did all this while they were vacating the property;

  • Broken dinning room glass window, boarded up with graffiti on the exterior
  • Installed a door latch on one of the bedrooms
  • Installed at least one screw in the wall to hold up picture frames
  • Large holes in the wall, possibly from a self-installed shelf
  • Plenty of blu-tac around
  • Broken glass ceiling lamp shades
  • Globes missing
  • Missing door handle on interior door
  • Cigarette burn marks in the bathroom, living room and on window sills.

In total my insurer AMA Insurance broker and CGU quoted the repair work at $4,270. During inspection I also discovered the tenants pried the shed open and stole my wheelbarrow and vintage model Singer sewing machine.

The real kicker is I am now self managing and getting $420 a week, that is 20% more than I was getting with LJ Hooker Belmont or over 30% more if you don’t include their 9.25% of management fees.

Enjoy the photos.

Trash left at the front of the property
Dinning room window boarded up
Broken glass lamp shade
A used condom
Ruined my Jarrah floors
Missing interior door handle
Cigarret burn marks and ash
Trash left outside
Trash left outside






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