How to win at Markstrat (Markstrat Tips and Tricks) – Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols

Update 2018
Having been involved with dozens of Markstrat simulations now, my original thoughts I mentioned below have slightly evolved.

I no longer believe getting into Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols early is ideal, yes, you can dominate the Vodite/Nutrite/Trigol’s market early on, but the market is really small and you sacrifice your Sonite/Clinite/Squazol products as you don’t have much budget early on. To beat the competition, you do need to enter Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols at some stage, as the contribution margin is ridiculously high in the final periods.

What I’ve experienced as the best strategy now is maintain your Sonite/Clinite/Squazol products, focus on high contribution segments like High Earners and Professionals. Stay away from Savers, which is high volume low contribution, and means you must have a large Commercial Team.

Once you have dominated two Sonite/Clinite/Squazol segments, and you have a decent budget, then you can enter Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols. If you have entered Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols around 4th period, target either Innovators or Followers, and later periods target Followers with a new product. The key to winning is you must have a Followers product at some period.

The problem of being first in Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols is you can’t produce a decent product because of low budget and your don’t know the ideals, so the first to enter is always at a disadvantage. Once the Vodite/Nutrites/Trigols reports come out, you can then tailor an ideal product which should be a closer match then existing products out there.

The key to winning a game is understanding the Brand Perceptions, Advertising and Commercial Team, not just having multiple low quality products out there.

Original post

I will briefly share my learnings about the Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols market.

My main view is to be the first to enter the market. The trick is to enter with the basic and least expensive product, as long as you are the only product in the market, the consumers will have no other choice but to purchase your product. The ad spend doesn’t have to be very high since there would be no competitors. Though you still need to maintain ad spent to increase the market size.

However, if a competitor happens to enter the market at the same time as you, then you won’t gain any market share, especially since the product would not meet ideal values.

The second advantage to entering the market with a basic product is when it is time to R&D the upgrade, you will notice significant (more than 50%) reduced costs. This makes it very easy to upgrade the product as soon as a competitor enters the market.

Target the largest markets first, Innovators and Early Adopters, they will also pay a premium for your products. A rough estimate for RRP for a Voditie product on launch is $1,000 or five times the base cost. If you are the only competitor, you may be able to charge even more.

I am happy to provide general MarkStrat help, or can detail discuss each period’s decisions for a modest fee, feel free to contact to discuss. The below is a recent game I helped from period 6, taking team C to a win. Please make sure all reports have been purchased, as it is very difficult to help without it. Spanish or Portuguese language MarkStrat is okay too.

Markstrat example consultation from period 6 team C

A recent example from 2021.

“My team and I were very fortune to have someone as that support us in our Markstrat project. He helps us to stay in first place the majority of the rounds. We rock it till the end. If we have a question, he explained simple to understand. He answered as soon as possible so it’s an A+++ to have the work done. If there’s a problem that you team have with Markstrat, all you have to do is ask and get info to be support! :)”





12 responses to “How to win at Markstrat (Markstrat Tips and Tricks) – Vodites/Nutrites/Trigols”

  1. Cheryl Nickel Avatar
    Cheryl Nickel

    So, with no reference point, how do you determine starting retail price for Vodites, with no other competitor in the market? I tried running a regression analysis from Sonite products, to at least get an equation, but ended up with a recommended price of something like $477, which seems incredibly low. Struggling to come up with a method for determining the best price for a product that will land directly between Innovators and Early Adopters, in terms of attributes, but is advertised 75% to Innovators and 25% to Early Adopters. Suggestions?! Please help!

  2. Cheryl Nickel Avatar
    Cheryl Nickel

    So, with no reference point, how do you determine starting retail price for Vodites, with no other competitor in the market? I tried running a regression analysis from Sonite products, to at least get an equation, but ended up with a recommended price of something like $477, which seems incredibly low. Struggling to come up with a method for determining the best price for a product that will land directly between Innovators and Early Adopters, in terms of attributes, but is advertised 75% to Innovators and 25% to Early Adopters. Suggestions?! Please help!

    1. Travis h Avatar

      Hi Cheryl
      In theory, if you are the only product market in vodites, you can charge anything, as the consumer only has you as the option. I have never got to try this though. Max I have seen is $1,600 and that sold without any problems. The price perception of the product won’t be ideals, but it doesn’t matter if you are the only one, they will still buy.
      Don’t worry about trying to find the ideal price on launch, especially if you think you will have the only vodite’s product.
      On launch, I would advertise evenly 33% to Innovators, Early Adopters and Followers, with about 20% of advertising on Research. The key thing on launch is to increase your brand awareness, and it is very beneficial to do it to all three segments. All three segments will buy the product if there is no one else.

  3. Keyday Avatar

    Hi Travis, we are about to enter in the Vodites market (4th period), and it seems that one or two teams will join it too. We have 2 products in the Sonites market, one of them is positioned in Profs and the other one in Savers. We have developed a Vodite with pretty good specifications, and we are wondering about which price would the ideal be. Are there any recommendations about what to do with with our overall strategy. Thank you.

    1. Travis h Avatar

      Hi Keyday, when entering Vodites, main thing is to increase brand awareness on all three segments at the start. then specifically target segments in later periods. Start with $700 if there are mutliple competitors and you can adjust price later periods.

  4. sam0nella Avatar

    Hi Travis, we are currently in period 3 of markstrat, we based our vodite product on the ideals of the adopters, as we anticipated that the team above us would do an online query the previous period and enter in this period. Unless the teams do an online query to enter into the vodite market in the same period, (and they are capable of doing so) we don’t know how we should be pricing our product. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can go about this strategy wise for vodite?

    1. Travis h Avatar

      Hi Sam0nella
      If you think you will be the only team in the Vodite market, you can pretty much chose any price you want. $1500 not unreasonable.
      Most likely $900 is a good starting point if targeting Innovators and Early Adopters with a competing team.
      For Followers it would be around $500 to $600.

  5. Ann Avatar

    Hi, I am playing Markstrat with only two periods left. I have developed Vodite but I am the fast follower since someone already developed a very high cost one. Would like to see your advice. Please email me if possible. Thank you so much.

  6. Big L Avatar
    Big L

    Hey there, we’re entering the Vodite market in period 4 and we’re the only entrant. Will the entire 160, 000 market buy our product since we’re the only available one? Or will it still be dependant on price, attributes etc and we might only get 80, 000 sales or what not?
    Thanks so much!

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      Yes, that’s right, the entire vodite market, all 3 segments.
      you should be able to set what ever price you want as well.

  7. Jack Avatar

    Can you enter in my account and help me?

    I made an bet with my friend and i’m losing

    Can you help me and post here the results? @t

  8. Gregory23 Avatar

    Hello, do you still provide help in marketstrat ?

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