AFS Walling Solutions – permanent formwork concrete walls review

Recently I did some research into the AFS Logic Wall product as an alternative to brick for a development I am working on.

AFS is a permanent formwork concrete wall solution, what this means is instead of creating the timber frame on site for the concrete pour, a factory creates a shell which is then assembled on site and filled with concrete.

The benefits are quicker wall construction times, days not weeks, as there is minimum site works. This initially seams like a huge benefit, but only after speaking to a number of industry people are the true costs discovered.

As a start, read through this AFS Assessment by the Ceramic Advisory Services, though the information may be outdated and biased.

I received the following information from an AFS distributor, April 2014;

Typically AFS150 would be supplied and installed and filled with concrete for approx $ 215/m2, ready for applied finishes.

Compared to a brick, the costs is fairly similar, especially if comparing to double brick. But there are some additional costs that are not accounted for.

From the distance, there looks like there is a huge advantage to reduced wall thicknesses, I was informed 150mm AFS could be used in place of my 230mm double brick. There are a couple of catches though, only electrical conduit can be set in the concrete, water pipes can’t and so a separate stud wall is needed, adding about 75mm and additional costs.

AFS wall have a specified insulation R value, though the wall is concrete only, if you can’t meet the required insulation then additional will be required. With double brick construction, the insulation can be installed in the cavity, there is no cavity with the AFS so again a separate stud wall is needed.

When you need a thin wall, brick is a minimum 90mm thick, whilst AFS is 110mm, possibly due to the cement formwork being 10mm in thickness on each side and unable to support any load.

The slab needs starter rebar for the formwork, whilst brick does not, again, adding additional costs.

Finally, there are only a handful of builders that work with AFS, in Perth I was given the names of four builders, severely restricting the choice.






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