Review of Plunkett – $4.5k down and 1 year wasted

Following up a comment I posted on productreview, here is the timeline of events when I signed the PPA and paid the $4500 fee;

  • 8th Sep 2012 – Signed PPA, Informed verbally by Sales Rep slab down by Christmas.
  • 18th Sep 2012 – “we also need the landscaping plan done for submission to council, a new rule change. Do you wish for us to organise and bill you or do you wish to do? Must now be submitted with planning”. I contacted council and they said the council had imposed this requirement for a few months. Why wasn’t I informed about this additional cost prior to PPA?
  • 20th Sep 2012 – Sales Rep agrees to include the landscape amount in the PPA, since I have paid for the contour survey out of my own pocket. Note, I have never received any landscape plan even though it was included in the PPA. At the same time Sales Rep asks for referrals.
  • 3rd Nov 2012 – reached the 8th week of the informed 6 to 8 week time-frame for council submission. Was informed on the phone by Sales Rep another 3 weeks till plans are submitted.
  • 23rd Nov 2012 – Sales Rep 2 makes contact for the first time requesting signing of council submission form.
  • 10th Dec 2012 – council sends me acknowledgement of development application lodged. (over 3 months from signing of the PPA…)
  • 18th Jan 2013 – receive contracts in the mail and welcome pack. I forward to my bank NAB that informs me the progressive payments are not standard and too aggressive.
  • 30th Jan 2013 – Sales Rep 2 provides me an update that it is in planning which was nice.
  • 2nd Feb 2013 – meet with the designer for selections.
  • 15th Feb 2013 – I speak to council myself and find out the design doesn’t comply and Plunkett was notified 8th Feb. I was not informed by Sales Rep 2 or Sales Rep and contacted Sales Rep 2 myself.
  • 22nd Feb 2013 – Follow up with Sales Rep 2, says she has been unwell.
  • 4th April 2013 – Sales Rep calls me to inform that they wish to redesign the units. I confirm ok via email.
  • 15th April 2013 – follow up how it is progressing with Sales Rep ‘Ill se [sic] where it is. We had the biggest month in Plunkett’s history, so we are running behind’
  • 29th May 2013 – resubmits to council
  • 4th June 2013 – Sales Rep sends me updated PPA with prices ‘ I have your price for the 2 Storey. If I can get you to sign off on it and date it the 31st of May, I will get a bonus, so I can discount it $5K as long as it comes back before 4pm today’. As it is now a double story, the price of the drawings increases, I sign a new PPA to reflect this but he doesn’t push for the additional money which was good.
  • July 2013 – somewhere here the council does not approval the design again.
  • 11th Aug 2013 – reinitiate the conversation with Sales Rep querying the new r-code changes that took affect. Says he will have a look and get back tomorrow.
  • 10th Oct 2013 – receive email from Sales Rep, ‘sorry for the lateness in reply. I have been seriously unwell for the last couple of months so have been not fully functioning, and have missed some emails’
  • December 2014 – Now over 1 year since signing the PPA, Sales Rep calls me and asks if he can resubmit using new r-codes. By this time I have resubmitted plans myself as I decided that I can’t wait any longer.






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