WordPress Tool – a WordPress error and link extractor

Here is a simple tool that might be useful to others, it does two main things;

  1. Parses your post’s content as XML and spits out any possible errors, and
  2. Extracts all external links, which can be exported as an Excel Tab delimited file.

Post’s content errors

Each post’s content is wrapped with XML dummy tags and then passed with Microsoft’s XML parser. A feature of this parser is to check the XML structure when reading and output any errors. The WordPress Tool simply displays this raw output for each post. I have found it does do a good job of ‘typo’ errors, but depending on the content it may be erroneous, especially if you have code snippets and such.

Post’s external links

This was the main reason for designing this tool, I needed to extract all the links and confirm they met my ‘lowercase word hyphen word’ standard. You can export the links as a Tab delimited file, simply open it up in Excel.

How to use

  1. Download a WordPress eXtended RSS export of your blog. Go to Tools -> Export of your Admin page.
  2. Run WordPress Tool.
  3. Click ‘Select File’ and browse to the downloaded xml file.
  4. A report of links will automatically be generated, click the Errors radio button to see the error report.
  5. On either the Links or Errors option, click Export to export to a tab delimited file for Excel (note post content is not included in the file).


WordPress Tool - Post content error example

WordPress Tool - Post content links example


Download WordPress Tool






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