eventquery.vbs – ERROR: Unable to execute the query for the…

If you received this error when trying to execute eventquery.vbs the cause is an overflow of events past 32,767 (the maximum capacity of a VB6 Integer). There is a very simple fix for this which is to change the data type from an Integer to a Long (which has a maximum capacity of 2,147,483,647).

In eventquery.vbs, scroll down to line 1700 and 1703 and change both CInt to CLng.

        If CInt(objLogs.Item(arrKeyName(intLoopCount))) > 0 Then
            strFilterLog = arrKeyName(intLoopCount)
            intRecordRangeFrom = 0
            intRecordRangeTo = CInt(objLogs.Item(arrKeyName(intLoopCount)))


        If CLng(objLogs.Item(arrKeyName(intLoopCount))) > 0 Then
            strFilterLog = arrKeyName(intLoopCount)
            intRecordRangeFrom = 0
            intRecordRangeTo = CLng(objLogs.Item(arrKeyName(intLoopCount)))

Or download the already updated eventquery.vbs.






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