Category: Geocaching

  • Batch GPX trace files to Open Street Map (OSM) with GpxUpload

    A quick tutorial on how to upload multiple GPX trace files to Open Street Map, I use the Java class by Christof Dallermassl, alternatives can be found at OSM Wiki Batch Upload. First download the Java source file from jgpxupload and compile it, I used online compiler from Innovation. The following is the syntax that…

  • Convert from Google KML to GPS Exchange Format GPX with PHP

    Here is a quick post on converting from KML files used in Google Earth/Maps to GPX Exchange Format (GPX) with PHP. Code is quite explanatory, change $u with the location of the KML file, code will output GPX XML. Alternatively, download the code here. Let me know if you find any issues.

  • Karratha Geocaches (Pilbara, Western Australia)

    From time to time I would like to share some of my Australian travels. It doesn’t really fit in technology or projects. Karratha is 1535km north of Perth, Western Australia. The XML for the map below was made with RoboGEO, which synchronises GPS data with photographs using the timestamp. The XML map data was then…