Category: Programming

  • Lazy Load v2 – delay image loading Nivo Slider v3

    Nivo Slider is a great image slider which I recently implemented on one of my WordPress blogs, the problem with the current version is all images need to be loaded first prior to running the Nivo Slider JavaScript. After a bit of searching I found a fork by Lee Powers named Lazy Load, the update…

  • PHP eval equivalent to include

    The PHP include statement includes and evaluates a specific file, not what if we want to modify that file first before including, i.e. a version template file. Well this can be done with PHP eval. I file is included as follows; Using eval, we can achieve the same as above as follows;

  • VBA/VBS check if printer is installed

    Here is a quick code snippet to determine if a printer is installed on a Microsoft Windows system;

  • PHP code to automatically bid/buy an eBay auction item

    The following PHP code will automatically bid on an eBay item. modify the following variables; $username = “username”; //the eBay username $password = “password”; //the eBay password $item = 300712344201; //the item number $bid =  0.01; //the  bid value in the item’s currency

  • VB functions for determining red/black numbers on roulette wheel

    Here are two simple functions for calculating if a number falls on red or black on a roulette wheel, for the perfectionists that don’t want to use odd/even.

  • Batch GPX trace files to Open Street Map (OSM) with GpxUpload

    A quick tutorial on how to upload multiple GPX trace files to Open Street Map, I use the Java class by Christof Dallermassl, alternatives can be found at OSM Wiki Batch Upload. First download the Java source file from jgpxupload and compile it, I used online compiler from Innovation. The following is the syntax that…

  • SplitExtended – improved VB split function with group characters

    Based on SplitEx by Chip Pearson, SplitExtended is optimised to be over double the speed, with fixes and additional features; Features over the standard VB Split are; grouping characters, no longer split strings in quotes, ignore consecutive delimiters, while preserving those in  grouping characters, option to remove grouping characters, start and end quotes can be…

  • Review of A-PDF Page Cut – software to split a pdf page in half

    I came into the requirement of needing to split the  pages of a pdf in half, normally this is required when you scan a book and have two pages per scan, but my specific example was a Lonely Planet digital publication which for some reason was  released similarly, as I wanted to view it on…

  • Calculate Stamp Duty with Excel

    A quick post of how to calculate the Stamp Duty of a property with Excel, in my example I am using the Western Australia Residential Rate Dutiable value. Download the Excel WorkBook. Update, next day This also works for Individual income tax rates;