Category: Programming

  • SyntaxHighlighter problems with jQuery 1.7.1

    Recently I upgraded my WordPress plugins to jQuery version 1.7.1 and noticed that Internet Explorer 8 was causing errors “‘null’ is null or not an object”. I isolated this to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin I was also uses. On further Googling it seemed that there were issues with the XRegExp library and jQuery 1.7.1,…

  • RegexBuddy – a solution to the Regular Expressions (Regex) nightmare

    For the last few months I have been using RegexBuddy, software designed to help with Regular Expressions. After using it to create and test more than one extremely complex regular expression, I thought it was time I gave RegexBuddy some ‘big ups’. So what is so good about RegexBuddy, Firstly, it allows you to create…

  • MATLAB Scaled Image Normalized Cross-Correlation

    A few week’s ago I got reacquainted with an old friend MATLAB, to solve a computer image manipulation problem. When I blog about my travels I liked to Geocode my photos and reference them on a Google Map with a marker (see here), on the photo thumbnail I had previously stamped a circle marker on…

  • Convert from Google KML to GPS Exchange Format GPX with PHP

    Here is a quick post on converting from KML files used in Google Earth/Maps to GPX Exchange Format (GPX) with PHP. Code is quite explanatory, change $u with the location of the KML file, code will output GPX XML. Alternatively, download the code here. Let me know if you find any issues.

  • Convert Relative Links to Absolute Links with PHP Regex

    Here is a quick post on how to find and replace relative links with absolute links using PHP Regular Expressions (regex).

  • Slimbox2 Lightbox clone with automatic image resizing

    I recently moved from Lightbox 2 to Slimbox2, whilst it is a little outdated, Slimbox2 offers many advantages; jQuery language – no need for Prototype/Scriptaculous page doesn’t need to be loaded completely before being run has its own API Unfortunately, it is missing automatic image resizing, which I love. With the help of Example 9…

  • Online RSVP form and database with PHP, JavaScript and MySQL

    Requirements Recently, I needed an online RSVP system for a reception I was hosting, all the options out there didn’t meet my requirements; Customisable and able to self-host No need for tracking codes/numbers to be sent with invitation Able to RSVP additional guests Able to modify an existing RSVP Implementation As usual, I decided to…

  • VBA/VB6 functions to return folder or file type and date modified.

    Here are two quick functions; The first getType takes in a path of a folder or file and returns the type. The second function getDate takes in a folder or path and returns the date modified. getDate references getType.

  • VB6/VBA functions to convert binary string to Base64 string

    Here are some functions to convert a binary string, to a byte array, to a Base64 string and then back to a byte array and binary string. Run tester to see it in action, enjoy. Thanks to Tim Hastings for the Base64 functions.

  • Photoshop VBScript to automatically resize images

    Decided to learn Photoshop VBScripting, don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner, I now have scripts to automatically generate my blog thumbnails (as below), and add little Google Maps markers on them (see here). A few constants to change in the script (edit with Notepad); RESIZEWIDTH – thumbnail width RESIZEHEIGHT – thumbnail height IGNOREVERTICAL…