Category: Projects

  • Finishing the bezel and mounting the LCD

    A small update to keep things rolling. I finished sanding the bezel to a state I was quite happy with. The hole was then trimmed as it was slightly too big and the sides were uneven. Pictures below just before painting. First a white undercoat, 2 layers. Coat of matt black, 2 layers. Final photos…

  • Integrating an LCD TV with the Videosphere

    As I previously posted, I purchased a 8.4″ LCD TV for around $150. Here is the last update for the year, going on holidays and won’t be back till mid January. I have started to try to mount the LCD TV into the Videosphere. Firstly removed the LCD from the plastic housing This is a…

  • Videosphere polishing and TV tuner

    Progress with the cleaning of the Videosphere is as follows: Have purchased some buffing/polishing compound that is supposed to be very good for plastics, it is called Polac (but also goes by the name Vonax). Purchased from Abrasiflex for $24.20. It can be purchased cheaper from Ferrofin but are in the eastern states. Whilst this…

  • Cleaning the Videosphere

    I should mention prices, and note it will all be in Australian dollars. I picked up the Videosphere about 3 years ago of eBay for about $200. I will also mention, I am going to try and include everything, even the mundane stuff. So with that said. Here are some pictures of me washing it.…

  • Start of new project, modding a JVC Videosphere into a computer (a Computersphere)

    I have had this idea for a while now, most of the parts, have just been too lazy. By starting a thread and posting it should get me motivated. This project involves modding a JVC Videosphere into a working computer . I shall name it the Computersphere. It will consist of two parts: First part…