Category: Slimbox2 Slideshow

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.2 – support for WordPress Gallery Captions

    Slimbox2-Slideshow version 1.2, a WordPress plugin is released, now supports displaying WordPress Gallery Captions in the lightbox. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page.

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1 – support for WordPress Gallerys

    Slimbox2 Slideshow has been updated to automatically at the rel=’lightbox’ tags to WordPress Gallerys. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page, and to enable “Automatic Gallery Image Link Tagging” on the Slimbox2 Slideshow Options page.

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow – WordPress plugin to add image lightbox and slideshow

    Slimbox2 Slideshow is a WordPress plugin that implements a lightbox style affect to images using Slimbox2. Functionality The main advantage of Slimbox2 Slideshow plugin is being able to show a slide show of ALL images in every single post. Click here to see it in action (notice the slide count). Additional functionality; automatically add rel=lightbox’…

  • Slimbox2 Lightbox clone with automatic image resizing

    I recently moved from Lightbox 2 to Slimbox2, whilst it is a little outdated, Slimbox2 offers many advantages; jQuery language – no need for Prototype/Scriptaculous page doesn’t need to be loaded completely before being run has its own API Unfortunately, it is missing automatic image resizing, which I love. With the help of Example 9…