Category: Wordpress

  • Lazy Load v2 – delay image loading Nivo Slider v3

    Nivo Slider is a great image slider which I recently implemented on one of my WordPress blogs, the problem with the current version is all images need to be loaded first prior to running the Nivo Slider JavaScript. After a bit of searching I found a fork by Lee Powers named Lazy Load, the update…

  • SyntaxHighlighter problems with jQuery 1.7.1

    Recently I upgraded my WordPress plugins to jQuery version 1.7.1 and noticed that Internet Explorer 8 was causing errors “‘null’ is null or not an object”. I isolated this to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin I was also uses. On further Googling it seemed that there were issues with the XRegExp library and jQuery 1.7.1,…

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.2 – support for WordPress Gallery Captions

    Slimbox2-Slideshow version 1.2, a WordPress plugin is released, now supports displaying WordPress Gallery Captions in the lightbox. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page.

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1 – support for WordPress Gallerys

    Slimbox2 Slideshow has been updated to automatically at the rel=’lightbox’ tags to WordPress Gallerys. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page, and to enable “Automatic Gallery Image Link Tagging” on the Slimbox2 Slideshow Options page.

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow – WordPress plugin to add image lightbox and slideshow

    Slimbox2 Slideshow is a WordPress plugin that implements a lightbox style affect to images using Slimbox2. Functionality The main advantage of Slimbox2 Slideshow plugin is being able to show a slide show of ALL images in every single post. Click here to see it in action (notice the slide count). Additional functionality; automatically add rel=lightbox’…

  • Slimbox2 Lightbox clone with automatic image resizing

    I recently moved from Lightbox 2 to Slimbox2, whilst it is a little outdated, Slimbox2 offers many advantages; jQuery language – no need for Prototype/Scriptaculous page doesn’t need to be loaded completely before being run has its own API Unfortunately, it is missing automatic image resizing, which I love. With the help of Example 9…

  • Google Map v2.0 released – rewritten code supporting API v3 and gpx downloads!

    Google Map v2.0 has now been released. Rewritten code supporting latest WordPress and Google Map API v3 features. Allow your readers to downloads your maps to GPS via GPX files. Give your readers the exact coordinates to your location. Download from the WordPress plugin repository. The following examples use the included example.xml file. Marker Z…

  • WordPress Tool – a WordPress error and link extractor

    Here is a simple tool that might be useful to others, it does two main things; Parses your post’s content as XML and spits out any possible errors, and Extracts all external links, which can be exported as an Excel Tab delimited file. Post’s content errors Each post’s content is wrapped with XML dummy tags…

  • SQL query generator for changing WordPress tables

    I recently went through the ordeal of changing the prefixes of the WordPress tables from the default wp_ to something more random, I have created the following to help anyone wanting to go through the same process.

  • Replace unorded list double arrows with bullets on default Kubrick theme

    A quick guide to how to replace right-pointing double angle quotation marks (») (U+00BB) with bullets (•) (U+2022). Edit the following style.css in the wp-content\themes\default folder; to;