Huawei Ascend Y201 Pro (U8666E) ClockworkMod
Below are links to the images of ClockworkMod (and other versions) for the Huawei Ascend Y201 Pro (U8666E). Published due to myhuawei.net being off-line. cwm_5.0.2.8 cwm_6.0.2.8 cwm_6.0.4.4 original
How to win at Markstrat (Markstrat Tips and Tricks) – competitor analysis
The last part in the How to win at Markstrat series, I will discuss competitor analysis and the various methods to speed up the analysis process. In most cases Excel’s Conditional Formatting Colour Scales is all that is required. For the below examples blue is segment targeted. It is important to apply the conditional formatting…
How to win at Markstrat (Markstrat Tips and Tricks) – marketing strategy
The third part of this series looks at actual marketing strategy and marketing mix decisions. I won’t go into too much marketing strategy detail, plus a lot of these are my thoughts from playing only a single round. Segmentation Target one product for one market segment only, early on it may be tempting to target…
Login and scrape NAB page with PHP and CURL
I was after an automated way to determine if payments had come into my nab.com.au account. For some reason, nab makes it very difficult to login with PHP and CURL. The main issue is they perform some client side password encoding with JavaScript. Here is the code below; Thanks for this page for pointing me…
How to win at Markstrat (Markstrat Tips and Tricks) – Perceptions and Ideals
Following on from Markstrat market Forecast and Market Segments, I will discuss the importance of Markstrat Brand Ideals and Brand Perceptions. Markstrat Semantic Scales and Multidimensional Scaling There is two main market research data, Semantic Scales and Multidimensional Scaling, both have their advantages, Semantic Scales are more closely tied to product characteristics, new products must…
How to win at Markstrat (Markstrat Tips and Tricks) – Market Forecast and Segment Selection
Having recently completed the Markstrat strategic marketing simulation, I thought I would share some tips and tricks learnt along the way. When initially starting Markstrat, all the data can be quite daunting, as you progress through the periods you get a feel for what to concentrate on. A multiple-part series, the first part will look…
Review of generic USB to Serial (RS232) adaptors
Having purchased a number of generic USB to serial adaptors from eBay, I thought I would go over the pros and cons of the types available. Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (counterfeit) The least expensive of those found on eBay, apparently these have a counterfeit Prolific chip, which limits them to working only on Windows XP.…
Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – Tenant leaves
Having recently received my bond and completed my transactions with LJ Hooker Belmont WA, I thought I would share my last agent property manager facts. On 24th January 2013, my LJ Hooker Belmont WA Property Manger informs me that the tenant “has admitted that he cannot pay the rent”, owes $1850 in unpaid rent and…
Got any book recommendations?