• Roundcube installation on shared hosting with Firefox Webmail Notifier

    This tutorial is going to explain how to install the webmail IMAP client Roundcube on shared hosting and then integrate it with the Firefox plugin Webmail Notifier. Firstly, why the need to install Roundcube in the first place, don’t many hosting companies already provide it built into cPanel? Yes, they do, but the benefit to…

  • Repair a punctured tyre with tire repair strips

    Caution: this guide is a demonstration of how to use the product, it should not be applied to the tyre sidewall. Here is a quick post on how to repair a minor puncture on a car’s tyre. I purchased a car tyre repair kit from eBay for $5.50 including postage. Here’s what I received; A…

  • Review of USB Safely Remove – the device cannot be stopped right now

    Sick of constantly experiencing the Window’s “The device ‘Generic volume’ cannot be stopped because a program is still accessing it.” message, I decided to give the program USB Safely Remove a test. The first time trying to stop my USB hard-disk-drive I get the following “Could not find any processes locking USB device!”, great, the…

  • How to dye fabric with Procion dye

    Procion is a brand of reactive dyes, meaning the dye reacts with the cellulose fibres (plant-based fibres including cotton and linen) of fabric. A cellulose fibre will not work on protein fibre (animal-based fibres including silk and wool), it which case Acid Dye will need to be used. I chose Procion over Acid Dye due…

  • Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – The Hidden Charges

    I received an email from the L J Hooker Belmont WA Principal / Licensee when I enquired about the monthly Postage and Petties Fees, here is a list of all the items you are charged separately for (not included in the property management fee); Phone calls to yourself and your tenant and to arrange tradesmen…

  • Blacklisting all yahoo.com email addresses

    For some reason, I am getting a large amount of spam form yahoo.com email address, previously, I blacklisted these email address, but this became too time consuming, so I have now created a catch-all and blacklisted ALL yahoo.com email addresses. Only .com are affected, .com.au, .co.uk and all variants are unaffected. I have whitelisted those…

  • Calculate Stamp Duty with Excel

    A quick post of how to calculate the Stamp Duty of a property with Excel, in my example I am using the Western Australia Residential Rate Dutiable value. Download the Excel WorkBook. Update, next day This also works for Individual income tax rates;

  • Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – Dogs, Stickers and Powerpoints

    In August I receive an email from property manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA; “The tenant has informed me that the door handle from the passage leading into the lounge & Bedroom 3 can not be opened from inside the passage area and when you are in the Bedroom, this could be a fire hazard. “ As…

  • SyntaxHighlighter problems with jQuery 1.7.1

    Recently I upgraded my WordPress plugins to jQuery version 1.7.1 and noticed that Internet Explorer 8 was causing errors “‘null’ is null or not an object”. I isolated this to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin I was also uses. On further Googling it seemed that there were issues with the XRegExp library and jQuery 1.7.1,…

  • RegexBuddy – a solution to the Regular Expressions (Regex) nightmare

    For the last few months I have been using RegexBuddy, software designed to help with Regular Expressions. After using it to create and test more than one extremely complex regular expression, I thought it was time I gave RegexBuddy some ‘big ups’. So what is so good about RegexBuddy, Firstly, it allows you to create…

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