• Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – The Hidden Charges

    I received an email from the L J Hooker Belmont WA Principal / Licensee when I enquired about the monthly Postage and Petties Fees, here is a list of all the items you are charged separately for (not included in the property management fee); Phone calls to yourself and your tenant and to arrange tradesmen…

  • Blacklisting all yahoo.com email addresses

    For some reason, I am getting a large amount of spam form yahoo.com email address, previously, I blacklisted these email address, but this became too time consuming, so I have now created a catch-all and blacklisted ALL yahoo.com email addresses. Only .com are affected, .com.au, .co.uk and all variants are unaffected. I have whitelisted those…

  • Calculate Stamp Duty with Excel

    A quick post of how to calculate the Stamp Duty of a property with Excel, in my example I am using the Western Australia Residential Rate Dutiable value. Download the Excel WorkBook. Update, next day This also works for Individual income tax rates;

  • Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – Dogs, Stickers and Powerpoints

    In August I receive an email from property manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA; “The tenant has informed me that the door handle from the passage leading into the lounge & Bedroom 3 can not be opened from inside the passage area and when you are in the Bedroom, this could be a fire hazard. “ As…

  • SyntaxHighlighter problems with jQuery 1.7.1

    Recently I upgraded my WordPress plugins to jQuery version 1.7.1 and noticed that Internet Explorer 8 was causing errors “‘null’ is null or not an object”. I isolated this to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin I was also uses. On further Googling it seemed that there were issues with the XRegExp library and jQuery 1.7.1,…

  • RegexBuddy – a solution to the Regular Expressions (Regex) nightmare

    For the last few months I have been using RegexBuddy, software designed to help with Regular Expressions. After using it to create and test more than one extremely complex regular expression, I thought it was time I gave RegexBuddy some ‘big ups’. So what is so good about RegexBuddy, Firstly, it allows you to create…

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.2 – support for WordPress Gallery Captions

    Slimbox2-Slideshow version 1.2, a WordPress plugin is released, now supports displaying WordPress Gallery Captions in the lightbox. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page.

  • The Cool Cube featured in 10 Years of Mini-ITX eBook

    To celebrate 10 years of the VIA Mini-ITX motherboard, VIA had released a anniversary eBook titled Small is Beautiful: Ten Years of Mini-ITX, which features one my case modding projects, The Cool Cube. Head over to viamini-itxebook.com to read about it and many other cool mods.

  • Correspondence with Property Manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA – Tenant Maintenance

    Less than a fortnight after the property was tenanted,  property manager LJ Hooker Belmont WA sends me an email; “The tenant has informed me that crackling noises are coming from the power point in the main bedroom when plugging any appliances in.  Also light/fan to dining is blinks and switches off after a while.  Can I…

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1 – support for WordPress Gallerys

    Slimbox2 Slideshow has been updated to automatically at the rel=’lightbox’ tags to WordPress Gallerys. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page, and to enable “Automatic Gallery Image Link Tagging” on the Slimbox2 Slideshow Options page.

Got any book recommendations?