Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 22 to 26 transcripts
Here’s are 5 more transcripts Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 22 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 23 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 24 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 25 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 26 transcript by t I have also created a…
tGoogleMap v1.3
I have finally managed to get WordPress to update the version number. This problem was due to not updating the version number in the PHP file as well as the readme.txt. Version 1.3 fixes a problem with tGoogleMap not displaying correctly when a WordPress blog isn’t located in the domain folder. I have seen a…
Replacing a cracked Canon IXUS 55 / IXY 60 / SD450 LCD screen
Here’s a step by step guide on replacing the LCD screen on a Canon IXUS camera. Whilst, the model shown here the IXUS 55, it is fairly similar for other IXUS models. The cheapest LCD I have found online is through The Foto Geeks for $55, however you can actually buy a cheaper whole (working)…
Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 18 to 21 transcript
Recently, I have been attempting to learn Mandarin using Pimsleur’s audio lessons. It is progressing quite successfully, with the help of additional resources. The main problem is due to being purely audio; the student has no visual representation of the words and sentences. I have sources a few sources of transcripts on the internet and…
Database query in SQL to select first unique record
Here’s a quick code snippet to create a query that selects all unique records from field1, and selects the first corresponding record in field2 The function First, can be substituted for Last, Min, Max, depending on desired returned record. In the example above, table1 is the recordset, field1 is the field which you want unique…
hdmiOn – a solution to loss of DVI video EDID signal on HD TVs
The last few days I have been pulling my hair out over my new HD TV not working with my Home Theatre PC, specifically when switching from HDMI input to TV and back again. The HDMI signal is lost and can only be reset by either rebooting the PC or unplugging and replugging the HDMI…
Generic file selection window function in VBA
Here is a very useful file selection function for VBA, inputs sFilter a filter string i.e. “*.txt” and outputs an array of selected files including their path. The code is a modification of the example found on Microsoft’s MSDN FileDialog Object page.
Karratha Geocaches (Pilbara, Western Australia)
From time to time I would like to share some of my Australian travels. It doesn’t really fit in technology or projects. Karratha is 1535km north of Perth, Western Australia. The XML for the map below was made with RoboGEO, which synchronises GPS data with photographs using the timestamp. The XML map data was then…
GoogleMap v1.1
tGoogleMap v1.1 has been released with major updates: cross-domain XML files can be used as the map data, see example below. due to WordPress plugin repository automatically zipping plugins, the main plugin folder is changed. Anyone upgrading from v1.0, requires deletion of old folder. Lots of code improvements, was a bug with displaying the default…
USB2IDE drivers for Microsoft Windows 98
Need drivers for your USB to IDE adapter for Windows 98 (SE) and don’t want to pay for them? Download here.
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