Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese Unit 1 Transcripts

Download transcripts from here;

Pimsleur Chinese I – A Pronunciation And Character Guide

Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese I notes

Pimsleur Mandarin words


Due to a Notice of Copyright Infringement from Pimsleur, I have had to remove my transcripts, however due to the demand I have made available Taryn’s Transcripts (who’s site was also removed).

To download the transcripts as a zip file, enter your email address below and click submit. A download link will be sent to your inbox which is good for 5 minutes. Note: the file is 8mbs.

Leave a comment if there are any problems. I will eventually add all transcripts I have collected to the zip file.

Update: 1st October 2010, I have received a Digital Millennium Copyright Act complaint. Content removed.

Update: 14th September 2011, Taryn’s Transcripts are available as a torrent here;

Update: 27th May 2014, I have disabled comments. I am looking at a solution to allow you to all receive the transcripts in the future.





156 responses to “Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese Unit 1 Transcripts”

  1. Love Pimsleur Avatar
    Love Pimsleur

    Where is the pinyin in your transcripts!?!?


  2. yoyo Avatar

    just post the transcript it on China servers, they dont care about IP rights in china.
    i am looking all over the net for it and its difficult to get

  3. David Avatar

    I was looking for Taryn’s Transcripts and you came through for me. Thanks for taking the time to set up this page.

  4. mccheese Avatar

    Thank you Taryn, you are a goddess in a godless world of lawyers. Thanks for helping those who aren’t among the privileged to learn this language.

    The only thing I’m wondering is where are the rest of mandarin 2 and 3? I hope to get through the whole thing eventually, and your transcripts are a huge help.

    Now if only there were some pims** flashcard sets someplace.

    As a side comment, it’s a shame that even though Paul Pims** has passed away the bloodsuckers at Simon and Shuster are milking his achievement for profit. It could and should be public domain and used freely by every school in America, and then the guy would have a real legacy. But no, some copywriter clerks are making a poor living on this, and some chanker afflicted lawyers are getting fat from it. Pitiful.

  5. Lee Avatar

    If you guys get through Pimsler 1-3 I would really advise taking up the FSI course in Mandarin Chinese. It can be hard going but if you have gotten through all the Pimsleur ones you will be well on the way


  6. j Avatar

    you rock! this is exactly what society is supposed to be–people able to build off the work of others rather than re-creating the wheel. i’ve PAID for the darn series, i just want to use it better! i really appreciate someone helping me use my legally obtained product in a manner which the proprietors of the product don’t see fit to provide. kudos and thanks!


  7. ig Avatar

    works great!!
    thanks a lot for sharing!! was getting crazy trying to locate these files..
    and yeah .. f**¡ck those hoarders..

  8. Mr Bad Example Avatar
    Mr Bad Example

    Thanks Taryn, much appreciated.
    You haven’t been working on the pinyin for this have you 🙂

  9. bi Avatar

    Please send transcript to me 🙂

  10. Don Learning Avatar
    Don Learning

    Please send transcript to me. Or some idea as to where I can find all of the transcripts.


  11. Randy Avatar


  12. mike Avatar

    please send me transcript, thanks 🙂

  13. Meir Avatar

    Please send me the transcripts………….)

  14. guayakita Avatar

    pls send me the transcript thanks a lot

  15. Bogdan Avatar

    thank you for transcripts

  16. JK Avatar

    Thank-you so much!!!

  17. fuxi Avatar

    thank you for transcripts

  18. IPP Avatar

    Please send transcript to me 🙂

  19. AC Avatar


  20. Jacob Avatar

    Thank you

  21. ACC Avatar

    Please send me transcipts

  22. fechin heery Avatar
    fechin heery


  23. Allan Lawrence Avatar
    Allan Lawrence

    Please send me the transcripts.

  24. Rachel Avatar

    This is a lifesaver! Thanks!

  25. Risk Avatar

    This should be a great help, thanks…


  26. Elton Avatar

    Please send the transcripts to me. Thanks in advance 🙂

  27. taryn Avatar

    I just made a torrent for the complete set of Level One.


    I’m the only seed right now so if anyone else wants to volunteer to seed, send a message to TarynsTranscripts

  28. Richard C Avatar
    Richard C

    Hi Taryn,

    I would appreciate a copy when you get a chance.

    Richard C

  29. Svetlana Avatar

    Hi Taryn, please send them for me too if possible! Thanks a lot in advance!
    It is strange they are so against transcrypts. They help a lot.

  30. Svetlana Avatar

    Taryn, thank you, I got it through torrent.

  31. Maurice Grout Avatar
    Maurice Grout

    Could i have the pinyin transcripts if you have them ?
    That would help me in the audio phase of my learning.

  32. jc Avatar

    hi! could you send me the transcripts please?

  33. MYB Avatar

    Hey, Still have transcripts? I’m heard of hearing so I need to reed (HA!)

  34. BHatch Avatar

    Hello transcripts would be appreciated! I try to make them as I go so i can go over them, my spelling for Italian is fine Mandarine not so fine..


  35. Transcripts Avatar

    Hi…looking for transcript part 2 & 3. I have part 1 in PDF format from torrent.

    Email is [email protected] if anybody is able to send there, it would be much appreciated!

    I have completed many searches for PDFs but these files have vanished from the internet, which is quite sad, as Pimsleur provide rubbish accompanying material with the genuine CDs, which I have bought.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  36. Rumburn Avatar

    send scripts please.

  37. LJJRHK Avatar

    Hi, I’d love to get the transcripts for levels II and III. The level one was very good, and it helped me a lot!

    Cheers and Merry X’mas!

  38. Joh bobshaw Avatar
    Joh bobshaw

    Please provide zip file for pimsluer transcript. Thanks

  39. Joh bobshaw Avatar
    Joh bobshaw


  40. psykhe Avatar

    thanks in advance for sending the subscription to my e-
    good job!

  41. James B Avatar
    James B

    If someone has Taryn’s transcripts for part 2 and part 3, could you either send them to me, and I will upload them to bittorrent and, if Taryn wishes, remove any reference to her from the PDFs.

    Alternatively, use any well known bittorrent website and we could have these PDFs available in a matter of hours.

    Thanks in advance,


  42. Jacob Avatar

    Hey thanks for the hard work…

    I would appreciate a full transcript of Mandarin I (you can send II and III as well…)

    Thanks again

    jacobaud {att} gmail.kom

  43. Rayna Avatar

    I would like to have the transcript of Mandarin Pim.

    Thank you so myuch.

  44. Morgan Avatar

    Hi! The transcripts for Mandarin Chinese level 1 would be really useful. Thanks!

  45. Solomon Avatar

    Hi, I got the Pimsleur Mandarin I transcript in a PDF version. Please send me the II and III transcripts. Thank you very much!!

  46. Thanks! Avatar


  47. Carol P Janes Avatar
    Carol P Janes

    Please send transcripts. Thanks!

  48. Longde Avatar

    Hi, Please send the transcripts. Thanks for your work on this.

  49. Toby Avatar

    Hi, Please send the transcripts to [email protected]

  50. Xiaode Avatar

    Could you please send me all the transcripts. Many thanks!

  51. Mishell Avatar

    Please, send the transcripts to me.
    Thank you very much!
    [email protected]

  52. Ziaudeen Avatar

    hi here please send me the all transcript it would be very much appreciated

  53. stitch Avatar

    Hi, pls send to [email protected]. Thank you very much. You rock.

  54. peter jiang-learn mandarin Avatar
    peter jiang-learn mandarin

    Your blog is very good. It has no problem at all. The materials will help people a lot. Fine and go on.

  55. Isabel Avatar

    Pls send me the transcript. Thanks for your work. It will be a great help!

  56. Luis Avatar

    Please send me also the transcript. Thank you very much, they will be extremely helpful.

  57. Robert Avatar

    Pls send me the transcript. Thanks for your work. It will be a great help!

  58. takeda Avatar

    Hi pls send me a copy of the transcript thanks

  59. frank Avatar

    please send transcripts!

    I don´t know why they don´t let you have them online. I just bought the course and I’m in need of transcripts.

  60. Is anybody here? Avatar

    Is anybody actually sending parts 2 or/and 3 to anybody here?

    Because we have a lot of people asking, which isn’t actually helping us.

    We need the transcripts to then put on bittorrent, voila – whoever has them will not have to email anybody anymore.

    [email protected]

    Send them to me, I’ll distribute them properly.

    1. MECTILE Avatar

      [email protected],

      I don’t believe parts 2 or 3 exist.

  61. Nicolas Avatar

    Please send me the transcripts.
    Thank you very much.

  62. DR Avatar

    Please send the ZIP. Thanks a million!!!

  63. Michael Avatar

    please send me the transcripts for 2 and 3.

  64. abc Avatar

    Could you send the transcripts, thanks

  65. Rach Avatar

    Can I have the transcripts?

  66. Jan Avatar

    Transcripts please

  67. Isela Rocks Avatar
    Isela Rocks

    Looking for the the 3rd transcript.
    Please send to [email protected] if you have it.
    Thanks so much!

  68. Is anybody here? Avatar
    Is anybody here?

    Hi there…

    I think part2 exists, I perhaps have a copy of it somewhere. I appreciate it may not have had your input though…

    I will investigate.

  69. Is anybody here? Avatar
    Is anybody here?

    From a forum post:

    Posted 01 February 2006 – 06:34 AM
    I have completed Pimsleur’s Mandarin I, and have started on Mandarin II. Carl T. Limsico’s “Chinese Companion I” does only cover Mandarin I, making further progress more difficult. There are transcripts of the intro-dialogs from each unit af Mandarin II and III (http://ezmandarin.com/) but there is no vocabulary. I will share my vocabulary notes on Mandarin II in this thread. I hope others will benefit, and most of all I hope for corrections and help when needed.

    Unit 1

    我还没有看什么东西。 – [wo3 hai2 mei2 you3 kan4 shen2 me5 dong1 xi5] – I havn’t seen anything yet
    还 – [hai2] – yet
    什么东西 – [shen2 me5 dong1 xi5] – anything
    全聚德 – [quan2 ju3 de3] – “Peking Duck” (famous restaurant i Beijing (http://www.quanjude.com.cn/), known for it’s Peking Duck)
    那是一家很好的饭店。 – [na4 shi4 yi2 jia1 hen3 hao3 de5 fan4 dian4] – That’s a very good restaurant
    家 – [jia1] – measure word for restaurant
    这么说。词 – [zhe4 me5 shuo1 ci2] – This is said: “word”
    这么 – [zhe4 me5] – this way, like this
    词 – [ci2] – word

    Unit 2

    承德 – [cheng2 de2] – (famous mountain resort 100 miles north of Beijing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chengde)
    我有工作要做。 – [wo3 you3 gong1 zuo4 yao4 zuo4] – I have work to do
    你在北京待了多久了? – [ni3 zai4 bei3 jing1dai1 le5 duo1 jiu3 le5] – how long have you been in Beijing? (了 [le5] is repeated)
    我没有做什么 – [wo3 mei2 you3 zuo4 shen2 me5] – I didn’t do anything
    什么 – [shen2 me5] – anything (东西 is omited when answering a 什么-question)
    我得失陪了。 – [wo3 dei3 shi1 pei2 le5] – I have to excuse myself
    得 – [dei3] – have to
    那是我的朋友。 – [na4 shi4 wo3 de5 peng2 you3] – That is my friend
    那 – [na4] – that
    那个人是谁? – [na4 ge4 ren2 shi4 shei2] – Who is that person?
    那个人 – [na4 ge4 ren2] – That person
    那个人叫什么名字? – [na4 ge4 ren2 jiao4 shen2 me5 ming2 zi5] – What is that persons name?
    叫 – [jiao4] – is called
    名字 – [ming2 zi5] – name (full name or first name)
    她叫陈。 – [ta1 jiao4 chen2 hui lan] – Her name is Hui Lan Chen (not sure about the first name and it’s pinyin)
    陈太太你认识吗? – [chen2 tai4 tai5 ni3 ren4 shi5 ma5] – Are you acquainted with Ms. Chen?
    认识 – [ren4 shi5] – be acquainted with
    他是陈太太。 – [ta1 shi4 chen2 tai4 tai5] – That’s Ms. Chen (是 (not 叫 [jiao4]) is used when titles are involved)

    Unit 3

    有一个朋友要来。 – [you3 yi1 ge4 peng2 you3 yao4 lai2] – There is a friend who is going to come over
    有 – [you3] – there is
    来 – [lai2] – come (over)
    贵姓 – [gui4 xing4] – honorable/noble surname (eg. what’s your family name?)
    姓 – [xing4] – surname
    别客气 – [bie2 ke4 qi4] – don’t stand on ceremony (don’t be (so) polite)
    客气 – [ke4 qi4] – polite (the same as in: 不客气 [bu2 ke4 qi4] don’t mention it)
    我姓陈 [wo3 xing4 chen2] – My last name is Chen. (never use: 贵 [gui4] honorable/noble, about your own name)
    我姓陈叫大卫 – [wo3 xing4 chen2 jiao4 da4 wei4] – My name is David Chen
    对巴 – [dui4 ba5] – correct? (eg. that is correct, isn’t it?)
    对 – [dui4] – correct
    葡萄酒 – [pu2 tao2 jiu3] – wine
    葡萄 – [pu2 tao2] – grape
    酒 – [jiu3] – alcohol (the same as in: 啤酒 [pi2 jiu3] beer)
    总是 – [zong3 shi4] – always

    Unit 4

    我从来不喝啤酒。 – [wo3 cong2 lai2 bu4 he1 pi2 jiu3] – I never drink beer
    从来不 … – [cong2 lai2 bu4 …] – never … (without the negative:不 , it does not meen: never)
    我有时候喝一点儿啤酒。 – [wo3 you3 shi2 hou5 he1 yi1 dianr3 pi2 jiu3] – Sometimes I drink a little beer
    有时候 – [you3 shi2 hou5] – sometimes (eg. there are times)
    可是不是总是。 – [ke3 shi4 bu4 shi4 zong3 shi4] – but not always
    好可是去哪儿呢 – [hao3 ke3 shi4 qu4 nar3 na5] – Okay, but where should we go? (eg. … what about (呢) where should we go)
    三味书屋 – [san1 wei4 shu1 wu1] – (a tea house in Beijing) (something like: “Three tastes reading room”)
    同事 – [tong2 shi4] – colleague
    她不是一个人来。 – [ta1 bu4 shi4 yi1 ge4 ren2 lai2] – She is not comming over alone
    三年 – [san1 nian2] – three years (notice: year does not use/have a measure word)
    年 – [nian2] – year
    她在这儿住了三年了。 – [ta1 zai4 zher4 zhu4 le5 san1 nian2 le5] – she has been living here for three years
    你的同事是谁? – [ni3 de5 tong2 shi4 shi4 shei2] – Who is your colleague?
    时间很短/长 – [shi2 jian1 hen3 duan3/chang2] – That’s a very short/long time
    短 – [duan3] – short
    长 – [chang2] – long

    Unit 5

    三点钟怎么样? – [san1 dian3 zhong1 zen3 me5 yang4] – How about 3 o’clock?
    X 怎么样? – [zen3 me5 yang4] – how about X? (suggesting X)
    我们可以走路去。 – [wo3 men5 ke3 yi3 zou3 lu4 qu4] – We can go on foot.
    走路 – [zou3 lu4] – on foot
    我想要一杯咖啡。 – [wo3 xiang3 yao4 yi1 bei1 ka1 fei1] – I would like to order a cup of coffee.
    咖啡 – [ka1 fei1] – coffee (unit I.07: 咖啡 – “café” (eg. where you can drink coffee))
    不长 – [bu4 chang2] – not long
    我要见他 – [wo3 yao4 jian4 ta1] – I’m going to meet him.
    见 – [jian4] – to meet
    另外一个同事要来。 – [ling4 wai4 yi1 ge4 tong2 shi4 yao4 lai2] – another colleague is going to come over.
    另外 – [ling4 wai4] – another
    他们两个都是美国人。 – [ta1 men5 liang3 ge4 dou1 shi4 mei3 guo2 ren2] – They are both american.
    两个都 – [liang3 ge4 dou1] – both (eg. all two) (another (non-pimsleur) example using 都 is: 他们都 – [ta1 men5 dou1] – all of them)
    我从来不坐公共汽车去。 – [wo3 cong2 lai2 bu4 zuo4 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 qu4] – I never take the bus.
    公共汽车 – [gong1 gong4 qi4 che1] – bus
    请再说一次。- [qing3 zai4 shuo1 yi1 ci4] – Please say it again. (unit I.25)
    再…一次 – [zai4 … yi1 ci4] – again, re-. (unit I.22)
    常常 – [chang2 chang2] – often
    我常常走路去那儿。 – [wo3 chang2 chang2 zou3 lu4 qu4 nar4] – I often go there on foot.

    Unit 6

    在那以前 – [zai4 na4 yi3 qian2] – before that
    去商店以后 – [qu4 shang1 dian4 yi3 hou4] – after going to the store
    以后 – [yi3 hou4] – after
    很长的时间了 – [hen3 chang2 de5 shi2 jian1 le5] – for a very long time
    王府井大街在哪儿? – [wang2 fu3 jing3 da4 jie1 zai4 nar3] – Where is Wang Fu Jing Avenue? (shopping street in Beijing)
    大街 – [da4 jie1] – avenue (eg. “big street”)
    公共汽车站 – [gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 zhan4] – bus stop
    站 – [zhan4] – station, to stop
    我们总是得等。 – [wo3 men5 zong3 shi4 dei3 deng3] – We always have to wait.
    等 – [deng3] – wait (unit I.21: 等一会儿 – [deng3 yi4 huir3] – wait a moment)
    到几点钟? – [dao4 ji3 dian3 zhong1] – until what time?
    到 – [dao4] – until
    商店开到几点钟? – [shang1 dian4 kai1 dao4 ji3 dian3 zhong1] – The shops are open until what time? (notice: not: 开门 – [kai1 men2] – doors open)
    台湾 – [tai2 wan1] – Taiwan*
    台北 – [tai2 bei3] – Taipei* (capital of Taiwan)

    *) I’m almost sure that Taiwan (and maybe also Taipei) has been mentioned in previous units, but I can’t remember when!

  70. Roy Dingle Avatar
    Roy Dingle

    I’d appreciate the Manadrin I transcripts please. Many thanks.

  71. Krokonoster Avatar

    Could you kindly email me the transcripts at [email protected]?
    Warm Regard,

  72. David Avatar


    Can I please have the transcripts sent to [email protected]

    Thank you very much!

  73. Hector Avatar

    Can i please have the transcripts?
    Mi email is

    [email protected]

    Really thanks a lot

  74. Lionel Avatar

    Please sendtranscripts.

  75. Fisher Avatar

    Thanks for sharing…

  76. Driver Avatar

    Please send me a copy of the transcript. Thank you for helping us learners.

  77. stuart Avatar

    Please forward me a copy of your hard work. I am looking for 2 and 3. Thank you.

  78. Natalya Avatar

    Please, I would love to receive the transcripts for Pimsleur Mandarin in my e-mail adress, it’s [email protected]… I am looking for all levels… Thank you very much for your generosity.

  79. Ulven Avatar

    Hi. Please send me the transcripts of all 3 levels. Thank you! You are doing a great job! 🙂

  80. Steve Blackman Avatar
    Steve Blackman

    I would like a transcript for all levels.

    [email protected]

  81. Emanuel Dutra Avatar
    Emanuel Dutra

    I would also like a transcript for all levels.

  82. David Avatar


  83. jbl liddy Avatar
    jbl liddy

    please please please!! Send me a Pimsleur transcript!!

    If Pimsleur was smart, they would include transcripts in their overpriced courses. I don’t think it is copyright infringement to distribute self-study materials that the publisher does not choose to include in their course. That is just ridiculous. So I suppose that university lecture handouts are copyright infringement as well!!

  84. arrex Avatar

    could i please have a link to the transcripts? thx!

  85. Laure Avatar

    Hi, thank you for your help. I would love to have the transcripts for all 3 levels. Thanks!

  86. Jota Martins Avatar
    Jota Martins


    I have been looking like crazy for the transcripts for mandarin I, II and III.

    Could you please send it to my email? [email protected]

    Thanks a lot!

  87. Sikawat Avatar

    Please send me, too

  88. Mike McDannell Avatar
    Mike McDannell

    Please send me te transcripts. Thanks

  89. Anon Avatar

    Could you send it to [email protected]? Thanks so much!

  90. john Avatar

    Hi could you please send me a copy of the transcripts to [email protected]

  91. Mirz Avatar

    Please email me transcripts!! Thank you so much!! E-mail at [email protected]

    Thank you very very much!

  92. germano Avatar

    Hi could you please send me a copy of the transcripts to

    [email protected]

    Thank you very very much!

  93. mei Avatar

    hello! can you please send me a copy of the transcript — [email protected]? Thanks so much!

  94. Michael Avatar


  95. LMJA Avatar

    Please send me a copy of the transcript. Thanks!

  96. Hats Avatar

    There IS NO TRANSCRIPT for sections two and three of Pimsleur.

    You can download a few text files from some websites in .txt format, but that’s it.

    Only section one was ever transcripted fully.

    Hope that’s clear now!

  97. matthew gibb Avatar
    matthew gibb

    Really want to learn to read and have worked through the entire spoken course slowly and methodically

  98. Petrockinoz Avatar

    I really want to use the Pimsleur CDs I have… but find I am a visual learner, so I’ve been finding it hard!

  99. Christian Orderud Avatar
    Christian Orderud

    Please send me the transcripts

  100. Peter Avatar

    would be nice, if you can send me the transcriptions….thanks a lot

  101. Olom Avatar

    Can you please send me the transcripts? Thanks a billion.

  102. zippy Avatar

    Can you please send me the transcripts? THANK YOU

  103. Shaun Robinson Avatar
    Shaun Robinson

    Please leave the link to download the Pimsleur Mandarin Transcripts from Tara’s site. Thank you.

  104. aikidude Avatar

    damn, i copied, from another site the first 10 lessons, and now i was looking for the rest of unit 1.. such a pity!!
    i have to ask my Chinese colleagues then to write down for me when I get lost!!

    thanks for trying mate!

  105. Lee Avatar

    Would really like to have the transcript for unit 1 complete if possible. I’m a visual learner, hence when listening I find it more advantageous to read as at the same time.

  106. les Avatar

    pimsleur mandarin transcript

  107. ben Avatar

    trancipts please

  108. Kevin Avatar

    pu how! Wo shang yo level leong transcripts! Xi xi ni pongyo ryen. You see the problem. I have listened up to CD 6 on level 2. I’m never sure if I’m saying anything correctly. I have to keep asking my tutor for assistance.

  109. john Avatar

    transcripts please

  110. john Avatar

    Hello there, and thnaks for the transcripts

  111. angela Avatar

    can i have the transcripts please

  112. Phil Avatar

    can i have the transcripts please?

  113. Andrew Avatar

    Can you send me the download for the transcripts? Thanks!

  114. Mark Avatar

    I got some of the word lists here: http://zdt.sourceforge.net/

    Anyway, it’s a shame about the DCMA. Word lists are no replacement for a full textbook — students use word lists *WITH* textbooks 🙁

    I was about to release our new Mandarin iPhone study app with a few of those word lists but now have opted to take them out after reading the above.

  115. Kent Avatar

    Please send the Pimsleur mandarin transcripts!

  116. Kent Avatar

    send those pimsleur mandarin transcripts please

  117. Banisya Avatar

    Hi Travis,

    can you send Pimsleur Mandarin 3 transcript? Thanks.my email is banisya (at) gmail.com

  118. Mowery Avatar

    Are you still sending out transcripts? Can you send to [email protected] if you are? thank you!  looking for any, but mandarin 1 most importantly.

  119. Thewallinthehall Avatar
  120. Nleonard3 Avatar

    Can you please send transcripts to Pimsleur Mandarin 1-3? Mandarin 1 is most important. Thanks!! [email protected]

  121. Jpliga04 Avatar

     Pimsleur Mandarin 2 and 3 Transcripts please
    [email protected]

  122. young_j Avatar

    [email protected]
    Pretty please may i get a copy of the Part 1 Pimsleur Mandarin transcripts. I am currently in China teaching English. Pimsleur has been really useful but I am struggling through the units workout the transcripts

  123. Jon Avatar

    Please can I get a copy of all the transcripts.

  124. Cathy Avatar

    Please email link

  125. Leonardo Kasperavicius Avatar
    Leonardo Kasperavicius

    Hi there, I’d love to have the transcripts of Pimsleur Mandarin 1, 2 and 3. If you can send me it will be of great help. leocck – at – gmail dot com

  126. woody Avatar

    please sent me the 1 2 3 text ,thank you very much

  127. mary Avatar

    Can I please get a copy of Mandarin III?
    Thank you so much!

    [email protected]

  128. mandarin learner Avatar
    mandarin learner
  129. Ross Avatar

    would love 1 through 3

  130. Kate Mosis Avatar
    Kate Mosis

    I’d greatly appreciate the transcript of the 3rd part. Xiexie 🙂
    [email protected]

  131. Robin Avatar

    The reason the owners don’t want people to see the transcripts is because potential purchasers might see them and wonder why they should spend 360 dollars on a course with so few words to learn! (And not even with a coursebook.) Anyway thanks for your generosity.

  132. sde Avatar

    Pimsleur 1 to 3, [email protected] Thanks in advance.

  133. onh Avatar

    Pimsleur 3 if possible [email protected]

  134. Marcelo Esteban Mauricio Avatar
    Marcelo Esteban Mauricio

    Pimseur 1-3, [email protected]

  135. ChineseCowBoer Avatar

    Please send me all the transcripts you have 🙂

  136. ChineseCowBoer Avatar

    Please send to NewHeartAndMind at gmail dot com

  137. Paul Avatar

    Is there an update on where to get the transcripts for 2 and 3? I’m paying!!!!!!!Just finished all of 1. I need more!!!!!!!!