I have recently upgraded the code to combine multiple RSS feeds, for the original version see this post.
To install, extract the following zip file to a directory where you want your combined feeds to be displayed, I use t.com/combinedfeed as xxxxx.com/feed is already used by WordPress.
Edit index.php for your site, and make sure the temp directory has write permissions (mod 755). That should be it. Enjoy.
Thanks to Magpie RSS and Feedcreator.
<?php $TMP_ROOT = "temp/"; //a atempory folder for storing the cached feeds, need to have write access (mod755) $DOMAIN_NAME = "https://mectile.com/"; $SITE_TITLE = "blog feeds"; $SITE_DESRIPTION = "A collection of xxxxx's blog feeds"; $SITE_AUTHOR = "xxxx"; $FEEDS_ARRAY = array( //the collection of urls linking to individual feeds "http://xxxxxx.com/feed/", "http://xxxxxx.com/feed", "http://xxxxxx.com/feed/" ); $MAX_ITEMS = 10; $SHOW_FULL_FEED = FALSE; //stop editing from here onwards define('MAGPIE_DIR', ''); define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', $TMP_ROOT); //include magpie rss http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/ @require_once(MAGPIE_DIR.'rss_fetch.inc'); //include universal feed creator http://sourceforge.net/projects/feedcreator/ @include(MAGPIE_DIR.'feedcreator.class.php'); //create the basic rss feed $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); $rss->useCached(); $rss->title = $SITE_TITLE; $rss->description = $SITE_DESRIPTION; $rss->link = $DOMAIN_NAME; $rss->syndicationURL = curPageURL(); //get all items is all feeds $total_temp = 0; //temp total number of posts in all rss feeds foreach ($FEEDS_ARRAY as $single_url) { $array_temp[$single_url]['page_title'] = url_grab_title($single_url); //grab the page title $rss_temp = fetch_rss($single_url); $items = array_slice($rss_temp->items, 0, $MAX_ITEMS); $array_temp[$single_url]['rss_data'] = $items; $total_temp += count($items); $array_temp[$single_url]['rss_pointer'] = 0; preg_match('@^(?:http://)?([^/]+)@i', $single_url, $matches); $array_temp[$single_url]['site_url'] = $matches[0]; } while ($total_temp <> 0 && $MAX_ITEMS > 0){// loop while there are remaining posts to process $date_timestamp_temp = 0; //initialise to 0 foreach ($FEEDS_ARRAY as $single_url) { $this_date_timestamp = $array_temp[$single_url]['rss_data'][$array_temp[$single_url]['rss_pointer']]['date_timestamp']; //get the date stamp of this post if ($this_date_timestamp > $date_timestamp_temp) { //if this date stamp is the newest, save where it came from $date_timestamp_temp = $this_date_timestamp; //update with this date stamp $temp_url = $single_url; //save the url feed $pointer_temp = $array_temp[$single_url]['rss_pointer']; //save the item number } } $total_temp --; //decrement total remaining posts to process $MAX_ITEMS --; //decrement number of posts to display $array_temp[$temp_url]['rss_pointer'] ++; //increment post index of used post rss //get the saved item $item = $array_temp[$temp_url]['rss_data'][$pointer_temp]; //create the new item $item_new = new FeedItem(); //add all the copied basics $item_new->title = $item['title']; $item_new->link = $item['link']; $item_new->date = $item['pubdate']; $item_new->author = $item['author']; $item_new->source = $temp_url; //to show full feed or blurb if ($SHOW_FULL_FEED) { $item_new->description = $item['content']['encoded'].'<p>Copyright &copy; <a href="'.$array_temp[$temp_url]['site_url'].'">'.$array_temp[$temp_url]['page_title'].'</a>. All Rights Reserved.</p>'; } else { $item_new->description = $item['description'] .'<p>Copyright &copy; <a href="'.$array_temp[$temp_url]['site_url'].'">'.$array_temp[$temp_url]['page_title'].'</a>. All Rights Reserved.</p>'; } $rss->addItem($item_new); } // a quick function the grab a pages title function url_grab_title($rss_url) { $contents = file_get_contents($rss_url, TRUE, NULL, 0, 3072); $contents = preg_replace("/(\n|\r)/", '', $contents); preg_match('/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches); return $matches[1]; } //get page url (for syndication), source http://www.webcheatsheet.com/PHP/get_current_page_url.php function curPageURL() { $pageURL = 'http'; if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";} $pageURL .= "://"; if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; } else { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; } return $pageURL; } // get your news items from other feed and display back $rss->saveFeed("RSS2.0", $TMP_ROOT."feed.xml"); ?>
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