Tag: Google Maps

  • Google Map v2.0 released – rewritten code supporting API v3 and gpx downloads!

    Google Map v2.0 has now been released. Rewritten code supporting latest WordPress and Google Map API v3 features. Allow your readers to downloads your maps to GPS via GPX files. Give your readers the exact coordinates to your location. Download from the WordPress plugin repository. The following examples use the included example.xml file. Marker Z…

  • Dynamic Google Maps circle markers/icons with PHP

    A while back I posted on how to create dynamic Google maps markers which allow for any colour and any text in the classic Google map style. Recently, I have had a need to do the same with circular markers. It uses the ‘Image Smooth Arc‘ function provided by Ulrich Mierendorff. Similarly, I provide a…

  • Google Map v1.4.7 – inline WordPress Google Maps

    I have released an updated version of Google Map which allows for coloured and variable text markers, see the example below. tgm(example.xml) Unfortunately, it now requires FreeType being compiled into PHP. If FreeType is not installed only the default marker and markers A-Z will be usable, with anything else being replaced with the default marker.…

  • Dynamic Google Maps markers/icons with PHP

    I am a avid fan of Google’s Map API, have even have created my own WordPress Google Maps plug-in (tGoogleMap), but one feature that I find lacking are customisable markers, with the need to include an image file for every customisable marker, now if you want a selection of colours and labels this creates a…