Tag: Javascript

  • Lazy Load v2 – delay image loading Nivo Slider v3

    Nivo Slider is a great image slider which I recently implemented on one of my WordPress blogs, the problem with the current version is all images need to be loaded first prior to running the Nivo Slider JavaScript. After a bit of searching I found a fork by Lee Powers named Lazy Load, the update…

  • Ultimate Google Maps XML JavaScript function

    I believe I have come up with the most versatile Google Maps function. Parameters are Dev ID name (devid), XML location (xml), zoom and map type (zoom). To use it you will need to do the following; Script header: DIV in the body: XML in the following form: And the JavaScript code: Example map tgooglemap(example.xml)

  • GoogleMap v1.4.5 – an inline Google map plugin for WordPress

    GoogleMap v1.4.5 is now available with significant improvements, including The Google Maps Javascript and GoogleMap Javascript is downloaded only as needed, speeding up page loading of all pages without maps. Removal of <head> code means GoogleMap will only be present when called. Compressed GoogleMap code. Multiple maps can now be created in a single post!…