Tag: KML

  • Google Map v2.1 released – now with KML support

    The release of Goole Map version 2.1 supports KML files which once displayed can even be downloaded as GPX files. Download from the WordPress plugin repository. The following example uses the included example.kml file. tgooglemap(example.kml) The following examples use the included example.xml file. Marker Z – no HTML, nonclickable. Marker 1 – standard maker with…

  • Convert from Google KML to GPS Exchange Format GPX with PHP

    Here is a quick post on converting from KML files used in Google Earth/Maps to GPX Exchange Format (GPX) with PHP. Code is quite explanatory, change $u with the location of the KML file, code will output GPX XML. Alternatively, download the code here. Let me know if you find any issues.