Tag: plugin

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.2 – support for WordPress Gallery Captions

    Slimbox2-Slideshow version 1.2, a WordPress plugin is released, now supports displaying WordPress Gallery Captions in the lightbox. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page.

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow v1.1 – support for WordPress Gallerys

    Slimbox2 Slideshow has been updated to automatically at the rel=’lightbox’ tags to WordPress Gallerys. Download it from the WordPress Plugin Directory Remember to enable “Link thumbnails to: Image File” on the WordPress Gallery settings page, and to enable “Automatic Gallery Image Link Tagging” on the Slimbox2 Slideshow Options page.

  • Slimbox2 Slideshow – WordPress plugin to add image lightbox and slideshow

    Slimbox2 Slideshow is a WordPress plugin that implements a lightbox style affect to images using Slimbox2. Functionality The main advantage of Slimbox2 Slideshow plugin is being able to show a slide show of ALL images in every single post. Click here to see it in action (notice the slide count). Additional functionality; automatically add rel=lightbox’…

  • GoogleMap v1.5 – an inline Google map plugin for WordPress

    Recently updated and confirmed still working with WordPress 3.0. The following examples use the included example.xml file. Marker Z – no HTML, nonclickable. Marker 1 – standard maker with some text. Marker Default – no icon defaults to standard Google Maps marker. Marker $ – some symbols can even be displayed on a marker and…

  • GoogleMap v1.4.5 – an inline Google map plugin for WordPress

    GoogleMap v1.4.5 is now available with significant improvements, including The Google Maps Javascript and GoogleMap Javascript is downloaded only as needed, speeding up page loading of all pages without maps. Removal of <head> code means GoogleMap will only be present when called. Compressed GoogleMap code. Multiple maps can now be created in a single post!…

  • tGoogleMap v1.4

    tGoogleMap version 1.4 has been released with two major improvements. Manual zoom parameter added. Google uses an integer value from 0 to 17 (where 0 is the furthest away), to determine the map’s zoom level, this value can now be incorporated into tGoogleMap as follows: tGoogleMap(example.xml, 4). The zoom is an optional parameter and if…

  • Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 22 to 26 transcripts

    Here’s are 5 more transcripts Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 22 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 23 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 24 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 25 transcript by t Pimsleur’s Mandarin Chinese 1 Units 26 transcript by t I have also created a…

  • tGoogleMap – an inline Google map plugin for WordPress

    tGoogleMap is a WordPress plugin that creates inline Google maps in your WordPress posts. There are two main advantages over other existing Google maps plugins and they are: Ease of use, to create a Google map simply type tGoogleMap(mapdata.xml, 600, 480) in your post on its own line. tGoogleMap uses XML map data, this allows…